WOFN changes banners


Veteran X
Those who were still active in WOFN have switched banners. TW declared us "dead" so now was a better time than any to announce what we have been planning for a month.

Cyber-Sports Radio. #CSR on dynamix. We also have our own irc network if you care to join us. http://irc.cybersportsradio.net #csr . Uses the same system as gamesurge.

We are looking for dedicated casters for all games, not just the Tribes series, but we aren't going to leave the Tribes scene. Also, we are looking for but not limited to php coders, gfx wiz for vbulletin layout, sound designers for commercials and more casters/hosts as mentioned above.

Our first match will be the VuP vs oshazbot cast Wednesday at 9est. See you there.

Phr33ky said:
TW declared us "dead"

i assume you mean the community as we (staff) been trying to find out what was going on at WOFN... btw content gets listeners... so if you did no content as wofn what is the point of a name change?
No servers, non working site to host files. Which we all had before the host switch. Had to go out and get our own. I also didn't have complete control over WOFN and those who did were almost never around. Not to mention WOFN was directed towards one game that, apparently, the makers have abondoned half finished.
so WOFN isnt changing banners, you are just taking your staff and making a new station.

I mean since you said you didnt have complete control :)

best of luck my friend!
