windows wont recognize the hard drive... but bios does

P Masta Flex

Veteran X
I'm attempting to fix a laptop and after buy an IDE HD and having to swap it out windows wont recognize it. I can see it in the bios, run tests on it ect. but when I go to load XP it says there are no hard drives detected.

You trying to install windows to it? or do you already have windows installed?

trying to install windows on it

wont even let me format it, says it cant be detected when I try to boot from the XP cd

but I can run a test on it from the bios, so the computer does know it exists.

wtf over?

get the sata drivers. i had the same problem the first time i formatted my laptop. when u load windows, itll say press F6 or some shit to load SATA drivers

i havent done it in a while, so i dont remember. but im sure someone on here knows what im talking about
what brand of laptop? you probably just need to change the bios sata mode.

if it doesnt have bios settings for sata, you will need to hit f6 during setup and provide drivers (as was suggested).

by any chance, did this machine have vista prior to hd failure/replacement?
Read the part of my guide about slipstreaming Sata drivers using nLite.

It's all on my site and you should be able to make a new XP cd.

HP DV6500T Triple Play XP

Scroll down a little bit where in says Removing Vista and Installing XP.
Read the part about nLite. The sata drivers on my site will probably work if you have an Intel processor. Otherwise there's a link for the AMD processor laptops.

The other option is to turn off Sata in the bios until you get XP installed, but that's only if your bios allows Sata to be turned off. The new HPs don't allow it, which is why you use nLite to slipstream the drivers.
you will need the sata drivers and install them while the windows cd is first loading onto your should prompt you at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds.
what brand of laptop? you probably just need to change the bios sata mode.

if it doesnt have bios settings for sata, you will need to hit f6 during setup and provide drivers (as was suggested).

by any chance, did this machine have vista prior to hd failure/replacement?

no, I dont believe it was vista, but I just found a setting for SATA in the bios that had to be disabled, not sure why, but I think I'm good now.
Read the part of my guide about slipstreaming Sata drivers using nLite.

It's all on my site and you should be able to make a new XP cd.

HP DV6500T Triple Play XP

Scroll down a little bit where in says Removing Vista and Installing XP.
Read the part about nLite. The sata drivers on my site will probably work if you have an Intel processor. Otherwise there's a link for the AMD processor laptops.

The other option is to turn off Sata in the bios until you get XP installed, but that's only if your bios allows Sata to be turned off. The new HPs don't allow it, which is why you use nLite to slipstream the drivers.
spot on, I did shut of SATA (it's an HP, but it's at leasts a year and a half old if not older)