Windows 11, lol

As usual, it will take M$ about a year to work out all the bugs, turn off the most egregious spyware they've baked in, and revert some of the boneheaded changes they made for no reason. I'm sure "R2" or ".1" will finally be ready for primetime. :rolleyes:
ya ms stayin consistent wit every other os being epic trash...

did u knew win8 was a thing? its teh real true u no :shock:
Mac > Microsoft.

nah, mac is a fkin joke lul. probably gets 90% of its normi users from shovin macs into movies/tv

even if the os is better, its irrelevant, the software support is crap.
macs work extremely well if u install windows and dont want to do most things
I had to uninstall Realtek sound drivers, reinstall an old pirate version to later update, remove again and reinstall using windows update to fix the mother fucking sound... Not being able do drag files using Taskbar pisses me off

Thanks, Bill Gates. I hope you die of covid you piece of shit.
I waited for years to get 10, and I'll wait as long as possible for 11, probably a couple years after being "forced."
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