[Wii] Nintendo Marketing Budget = $200


Veteran X

Gamespot News said:
As unfortunate as it sounds to hardcore gamers, the next-gen war may not ultimately be decided by software or hardware, but marketing. Nintendo has prepared for such an instance, announcing that it will spend nearly $200 promoting the console over the next year, the most expensive campaign ever initiated by the company.


Kinda cool it'll be on TV though. :)
They will advertise if and when it's needed. They know they will be selling the crap out of Wii units for the next 2-3 months at least, so why spend $$$ that isn't needed?

That is part of the reason why Nintendo makes profit on their hardware while most competitors are losing money per unit.
They will advertise if and when it's needed. They know they will be selling the crap out of Wii units for the next 2-3 months at least, so why spend $$$ that isn't needed?

That is part of the reason why Nintendo makes profit on their hardware while most competitors are losing money per unit.

in case of ninja edit
it's already super hyped by the internet, yet another brilliant move by nintendo.

They will advertise if and when it's needed. They know they will be selling the crap out of Wii units for the next 2-3 months at least, so why spend $$$ that isn't needed?

That is part of the reason why Nintendo makes profit on their hardware while most competitors are losing money per unit.

haha, are you kidding me?

Right on the quote it says $200... the MOST nintendo has ever spent on an advertising campaign!
damn you people are fucking stupid.. of course it was a typo in the article. I was talking about the fact the Nintendo has done almost zero advertising for the Wii as compared to the 360 and PS3.
I hope Nintendo stomps all over Sony and Microsoft. Not underdogism at all; I just hope they prove that their market savvy fu is better than sony or microsoft's market savvy fu.