Widescreen Gamers

arrghh, I have a widescreen laptop 1280x800, and I love it for movies, but it being a laptop, its not the greatest for games, but now I'm out of debt (school) so I think im going to get one of those dells asap (for < $400)
.... it hasnt happened again :( I am lost without that monitor. I must have it! For 397 shipped!
no offense, but while widescreens are awesome and playing games widescreen is awesome.

it doesn't change the fact that alot of those games stills suck ass or i've already played them past their worth.

maybe im bitter though...
Well, its on sale for 449 now. Do I wait and hope for a better deal on it, or just get it at 4-% off?
Deal is back but for $464 shipped. My rage has grown to such proportions that it has become a seperate personality, and has subsumed part of my mind. It now refers to itself as Lews Therin, and babbles incessently about killing everyone and how hot the mechanic from Firefly is. I fear my studies of the gentle gorrillas are in danger.
Excel said:
Deal is back but for $464 shipped. My rage has grown to such proportions that it has become a seperate personality, and has subsumed part of my mind. It now refers to itself as Lews Therin, and babbles incessently about killing everyone and how hot the mechanic from Firefly is. I fear my studies of the gentle gorrillas are in danger.
hah, I laughed at Lews Therin (I'm on Book Seven now)
i absolutely LOVE my 2405FPW. it's probably the best computer-related purchase i've ever made.
Bounty said:
Most people who've recently upgraded to 16:9 or 16:10 (HDTV) aspect ratio monitors...
HDTV is always 16:9, not 16:10.

the only place you see 16:10 monitors is in the computing world, which only adds to the confusion people already have with the computing and A/V fields. the computer industry was so fucking retarded for embracing 16:10 instead of making all native widescreen displays have the same aspect ratio (16:9). :sigh: