Why was TW connecting to purelymag.com?

Ixiterra said:
I used Netscape until 4.76 stopped displaying pages correctly. Then I switched to Opera like 3 or 4 years ago. Old habits die hard, and Opera works fine, so I refuse to believe a better browser exists. :D
why dont u register it then u freeloader
Like proof:

How is mine big and gay?

Is it because of my 19" monitor that lets me do 12*10 comfortably?

Is it because of the bookmark bar above the tabs?

Is it because I have the elite little buttons, where you have the ugly big buttons?
yea, I got a cheapie 19", the viewsonic e90. Only cost me $250, looks great going into its 3rd yr.
I duno wtf is wrong with internet explorer, i guess i am not l33t enough for a c00l br0wz0erss
Opera has a pop-up blocker, and it's probably better than MyIE2's. It won't block popups that you click to get to, and it won't block java popups (which 99.9% of the time are not ads).

And it was connecting to purelymag when I clicked the TribalWar Forums> Tribalwar link, so there should have been no sigs or anything there. ;) I also checked the source to see if purelymag was in it, and it wasn't, so it seemed like it was php code doing it. It hasn't done it since though.
Been using Opera for quite a while now, been very happy with it. I tried Mozilla when the latest one (1.6?) came out. Tabs seems very much an afterthought, and it couldn't import my favorites at all, so I booted Opera back up and said "screw it".
Back at the start of the internet webpages and only slow dialup lynx was blazingly fast compared to "web browsing" of the time.
Ixiterra said:
That's funny, the internet existed years before WWW, so I wonder how useful Lynx would have been. ;)

Well since you had to be in college or government and asscociated to access it then I thought referring to it when it was open to the general public was more inclusive.

Before the web you had bbs's for public consumption and they != web.
There were plenty of ways on to the internet before the WWW, I personally used Delphi. Just wasn't nearly as ubiquitous as it is now.
Kurayami said:
Lynx isn't that bad once you get used to it. I've actually posted a couple of times using it.

Cancer of the dick probably isn't that bad once you get used to it. Doesn't mean I want to try it.

Opera is weird, but it's fast and I can open an entire folder of links with one command for my morning news fest. I like it.
Noone can beat these cool ultra fast and ultra small self designed url buttons (left side) =)


And yes, that's the famous Black Mage who is going to kick some lich ass in the next ep.

Edit: that google search bar is the best thing ever invented!
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