Why should I support repealing net neutrality?

he hates the corrupt crony bureaucrats so much he has to support their agenda and regulatory rollback programs!!

it's only logical!
mooooooooooooore gubmt

oh, no, i meant moooooooooooooore good gubmt

but i can't find that anywhere on earth

must not have been real government then
im so emo about it but i am gonna shitpost 4 pai

i'm going kicking and screaming but i gotta do it!!
actually u are shitposting for pai

u the one who wants to give him back power over something he already gave away

pro fcc crew is u

u forget he is chairman there or something?
post4pai boys

i really really hate him but i'm gonna post 200+ times in support of him

i don't want to do it believe me!!
i really really hate him he's a corrupt crony bureaucrat but he's right we gotta repeal network neutrality now!!

Ajit Pai is evil

but Ajit Pai is the man we need to save the internet

FCC will do the right thing next time for sure

just like Congress, FDA, SCOTUS, House, and President etc
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i don't even want to know what a drunk version of this autism is jfc


can't cuck the zuck bb