Why I dislike animal control constables


Veteran X
So tonight one of my friends was taking a group of people(including me) out to "haunted" train tracks which are right next to an "old busted crack house." As we are sitting waiting for a train a car passes by. One of my friends thought he saw lights on the car and now notices it stopped further up the road. We drive up and see he has stopped and his car is labeled animal control constable, so we drive past him. He starts following this so my friend pulls to the left side of the road and waits for him. It takes the constable a second to realize we are trying to talk to him so after a minute of sitting in the road he drives up and asks "what are you kids doing out here at night, drivng off and pulling off to the wrong side of the road?" My friend replied that we were waiting to see the train. He takes a puff of his ciggerate and turns his flash light on my friend and says "You'll be moving along" My friend asks if he wants to go first. The constable says "you'll be moving along now." We start to drive off and he follows us for a couple of minutes and gives up after a while. My question is what is an animal control constable doing around "haunted" railroad tracks at 11:30 on a saturday night?

Was at "haunted" ghost tracks
Animal Constable drives by, is rude
I hate animal control because they allowed my puppy (less than 9 months old) to be put down for a first offense of biting a mail person.

Meanshile, my (former) neighbor's dog bit 4 mail people in 2 years, and wasn't put down.

Plus, as an added bonus, the animal control guy who told me he was going to testify for me, in court, testified against me. :fu:

It's all politics/ what might get them promoted to something else. The guy who testified against me ended up with a job at a local university working security. :shrug: Who woulda thought. :rolleyes:
I'd ask him if he boofs fido in the back.

But realistically, tell him to get bent. He may be able to call the cops, but his being there is JUST AS SUSPICIOUS as you are. I'd call the cops and report a suspicious vehicle hanging around a former crackhouse if i were you.

ok wtf are you from? Britain?
haniblecter said:
I'd ask him if he boofs fido in the back.

But realistically, tell him to get bent. He may be able to call the cops, but his being there is JUST AS SUSPICIOUS as you are. I'd call the cops and report a suspicious vehicle hanging around a former crackhouse if i were you.
Yea, just cuz he has 'constible' (aka cop) in his title doesn't mean he has jack for authority.
Chikaze said:

ok wtf are you from? Britain?

Yea, just cuz he has 'constible' (aka cop) in his title doesn't mean he has jack for authority.
constables are quite common in the US
for the most part, theyre going to be part of the Sheriff's department.. and are responsible for fugitive recovery
Gangrel said:
constables are quite common in the US
for the most part, theyre going to be part of the Sheriff's department.. and are responsible for fugitive recovery
only time I ever heard 'constable' was on ds9.
Chikaze said:
only time I ever heard 'constable' was on ds9.
You're kidding, right? I mean... jesus, the said it at least five times on Monty Python's Flying Circus. Dont even get me started on Patriot Games...
i mean like

any old story

involving knights and shit

lance constables and whatnot. i thinkt hats in tery pratchett boiiks
haven't gotten into terry pratchett.

Done Jordan's dragon reborn. (up through like book 10)
Gone through a lot of RA Salvatore's forgotten realms stuff
Getting into George RR Martin's stuff now.

Did some Herbert long ago too.