Why can't the marines get their own medics?


Veteran XX
If I am not mistaken, Navy medics make up the majority of navy dead or a significant portion.

Ok, so the marines have their own copters, tanks, jets, armoured vehicles etc.

They mainly need the Navy for amphibious landings and naval transport to and from different regions among the world.

Seriously, how hard is it for the marines to train their own medics? After all these decades and conflicts why the heck do they still need navy medics to go in harms way with them? I always wondered about this.
Marine Corps = Department of the Navy

And because it would be very expensive to start our own medical system when there's already one there.
I think there have been more Navy medics dead as compared to Navy Seals in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Marine Corps = Department of the Navy

And because it would be very expensive to start our own medical system when there's already one there.

Why can't marines be trained by the Navy then?


For example, can't the marines send over lets say 2,000 of its men to the navy for combat medic training and then they are sent back to the marines. How hard would that be?
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They can. But they don't. I'm sorry I don't have a better reason for you, but I would imagine that decision was made far above my head.
They can. But they don't. I'm sorry I don't have a better reason for you, but I would imagine that decision was made far above my head.

Fair enough. But don't you find it kind of funny in that Navy medics seem to be one of the most dangerous jobs (casualty wise) as compared to other naval units? Including the elite navy seals.

Crazy huh?
In fact, now that I think about it, Marines are trained medical skills by the Navy to some degree. We have a billet called Combat Aidsman that gets assigned to a handful of Marines per unit. They learn very basic lifesaving skills to help corpsmen during critical times.

As far as casualties, I would imagine the casualty rate of corpsmen scales accordingly as far as overall personnel count when compared to, say, special forces. Just a thought.
Don't feed the trolls.
They are.
Study history.
Look at the organization of international militaries.
The USMC is glorified naval infantry.
It is even subservient to the Navy.

The only thing that separates the USMC from, for example, Russian naval infantry is that the Marines are capable of independent operation once on land.

But why a stupid, whiny hippie of all people would dispute this is beyond me.
I'm not doubting your historical intellect or research skills, Kurayami, but United States Marines can hardly be compared to any other service.