Who's interested in a Hi-Res Kingdom Hearts poster?


Veteran XV
I just composite-scanned one in... I figured some people might want it (Ixiterra).


5% of the original

10.4MB download here

Fuck sigbot​
i never was able to finish that game. really liked it but then i couldn't get through this one part in the jungle where i had trouble jumping on the trees. got sick of it so i stopped playing. i have erred in my ways?
fartiusstinkius said:
i never was able to finish that game. really liked it but then i couldn't get through this one part in the jungle where i had trouble jumping on the trees. got sick of it so i stopped playing. i have erred in my ways?

The game kicks ass, I demand you finish it :p :)
How can a game poster feature Disney characters without Mickey? It's heresy.
Data said:
How can a game poster feature Disney characters without Mickey? It's heresy.
He's on Goofy's shield! The real answer is that Disney was extremely uptight about how Mickey was to be featured in the game. Only 1 scene. :/ He'll be in the second one much more though.
Bluntzman said:
You never saw mickey in the game, except for a black shadowy figure at the end.

Mickey looks badass in the KHII trailer.

Yes, I just used Mickey and badass in the same sentence.
Dark Volcanic said:
Aye, thankya big big.

Familiar =X= said:
Then tap your breastbone with your left hand three times.

:lol: I wouldn't expect anything less from TW, and on the first page of a completely unrelated thread. Although I guess only a true nerd would know of Kingdom Hearts.
I haven't even been thinking about Kingdom Hearts, because I wasn't that interested in the new trailers. I'll definetly pick it up when it comes out tho.

I'm now looking foward to Final Fantasy 12, which I was previously not looking foward to, because the main character looks like a pussy, but the trailer got me interested. Also Jak 3, because zooming through Haven city on a hover car is fun.
I should probably get/play this game. It's probably on the $20 Greatest Hits rack by now. :p
SpadeX said:
I'm now looking foward to Final Fantasy 12, which I was previously not looking foward to, because the main character looks like a pussy, but the trailer got me interested. Also Jak 3, because zooming through Haven city on a hover car is fun.
Same. I've only been following it half-heartedly, but the newest trailer looks pretty damn good. I can already tell it's going to have a very good, dark-anime style story. But from what I've heard, KH2's release date has been pushed back to accomodate FF12 (which was supposed to be released last March in Japan). :mad: