Who/what did you hate the most in Tribes?

Not being born 10 years earlier so that I could devote 8-10 hrs/day. lol minedisk.

Our clan joined Trives at a bad time, when skiing just started and half of the clan thought it was HAX.
  • Calling a run as a capper, and again as you're about to hit the stand... then watching as someone llama grabs and dies.
  • Base raping with low player numbers.
  • People standing around watching others repair a base, spamming "REPAIR OUR BASE" when there were other packs around, then immediately trying to barge their way into a station.
  • Not dropping the repair pack before using a station...
  • T2 (on release) because it was a buggy, unoptimised POS.
  • Trying to do anything underwater in T2.
  • Anything released after T2 Classic.
  • LT, because it meant that high number Base games were effectively dead.
i hated when players who barely practiced wanted to chime in with worthless ideas. luckily that was not often

also i hated jagged claw.