Who remembers moon shoes?


I always wanted some but never got them, did they really work?

look how much fun that fucker is having
Yes. Never had them though. They are on my list of things I wish i wasn't too old for and would look ridiculous playing with.

Also on the list are Heely's and super-soakers.
I have them. They were pretty fun - they didn't make you jump higher than normal, but were fun to cruise around in. It was fun to wear one rollerblade and one moon shoe.
I still have them, and they were amazing. You should be jealous that you never got to experience the all powerful moon shoes in their full glory.
I never had them or got to use them. I wanted to very badly; I strongly considered beating up another kid in the 4th grade because he wouldn't let me use his moon shoes.

Eventually, somebody brought a pogo stick to school and the moon shoes were old news.
those things sucked ass

your feet easily bottomed-out when trying to jump. they were absolute shit.

these are what you want

I had them, they were very dangerous.

Im so glad I was born in 84, little kids noways would never be allowed to even see this in a store.

Im glad our toys had some danger to them and we actually were allowed to be stupid kids.