who here is into soaking


Well, Mormons who are planning on soaking do a little pre-soak. This is where you stick your fingers up each other's butts. The kids from Provo use their big toes. You can't wiggle your own digits but the other person can pucker their sphincter. They also call it Joseph Smithing.
It helps if you water a little before the full soak. Like a few hours earlier to open up the pores.
Guess you were lucky she wasn't one of those that grinds their teeth at night.

Also, that's just fucking weird.

You calling anything weird is fucking weird.

She had a lot of deep drawn issues which is why we only dated 9 months. But I tried to hold it together because we had a lot of similar interests. She was philip and their lifestyles and customs were so different that it was conflicting to me in some ways. But she was a great girl.