who has a better computer than me now

well my computer isn't very impressive but I do have a 5 TB RAID server in my room for storing stolen media.
this thread turned really boring, really fast

i tried to resuscitate, but alas, i was too late
my work machine is beefy because the guy who ordered it for me wanted to see what a quadcore would be like.

Currently I have open:

development IDEs (delphi 7 as well as homesite)
2 instances of ff totaling around 20 tabs
3 remote desktop sessions

Oh I am also running IIS and Cold Fusion Server for my personal dev environment

My old machine was sluggish with this, my new one isn't. yay me
that answers the question of what your job does to utilize a quad core at work

but that's not really my question old man
seriously though what's the point of a quad core

like what do you people use them for

i have a quad core at work as my desktop (and routinely use 128 and 192 core clusters)

for doing computational chemistry calculations (protein binding simulations)

i dunno

but it was $50 more than the dual core

i heard it overclocked better

and i figured i wouldn't mind spending an extra $50 so i don't have to upgrade my shit in a year if quad core becomes standard or something
i havent bought a new desktop pc since i played tribes (about 6 years ago)

i use a laptop almost exclusively now. it does everything i need it to, plus its portable enough to carry anywhere.
yeah thats what i am headed towards. either a really good macbook or low-end macbook pro.
i thought about not building a desktop and getting a macbook pro

then i realized it was trendy overpriced shit so i built a desktop

That's mine.
It's way fast.
seriously though what's the point of a quad core

like what do you people use them for

Some games can use multiple cores...so there is 2 cores out of 4 being used, with another to hold windows bs.

I have a 2.3ghz dual core at work i can kill by running Visual stuido,Dream weaver, Eclipse, photoshop, Firefox, IE6,7.It starts to chug a little.

With my quad at home, i can do that and then also run a game at near full speed. (also their are some games like like supreme commander that can use 4 cores.)