Where to go in Japan?


Meat Gazer
I'm in Seoul right now, planning a trip to Japan for the weekend. Never been and want to stay in a nice place and see fascinating things. I don't have a budget, so just let me know what places are nice and in a good location if you've been.

Also, I was in Dubai yesterday. Fuck Dubai. What a shithole.

Thx in advance, TW.
I would check out Kyoto. Tons of amazing temples and shrines, amazing food and bars right by the river, the 'old city' is right next to a modern city. Only town I've been to in Japan where ladies still where kimonos. I love Kyoto :sunny:
BUT, if you're more of a partier + technology freak, goto Akihabra district of Tokyo and Reppongi district at night for clubs.
Yeah, that's a tough call. I like the night life, but I like history too. Hotels in Tokyo are retarded expensive ($500+/night for 5-stars), so I'll check out Kyoto too. Thx Fish.
Yeah, that's a tough call. I like the night life, but I like history too. Hotels in Tokyo are retarded expensive ($500+/night for 5-stars), so I'll check out Kyoto too. Thx Fish.

If you stay just out of the main part of Tokyo you can find really cheap and really nice hotels / ryoukans. Me and 4 other friends went on a trip and weren't spending more than $40/person/night even if we needed 2 rooms. and EVERYWHERE we stayed was very nice
Yeah, that's a tough call. I like the night life, but I like history too. Hotels in Tokyo are retarded expensive ($500+/night for 5-stars), so I'll check out Kyoto too. Thx Fish.

You don't need to go to a 5-star hotel to stay somewhere nice in Japan. Seriously. Even the equivalent of a motel has people who give a shit about good service.

If I had a weekend, I'd probably do Kyoto. I'd want more time for Tokyo, plus it would be a pain in the ass going to Japan for the first time and starting off with only a couple days in Tokyo.