Where have you lived...and where would you like to live?


Veteran XV
I met some people last night who have never been further away than about 100 miles from where they were born...which seems ridiculous to me.

Where have you lived.....obligatory EARTH. Doesn't need to be in order...

Indiana, Arizona, California, Ohio, Kentucky

I think New Zealand would be a cool place to live...within the states: I just want to live near a beach.
Lived in:
Northern VA
Bay Area CA
Salt Lake City UT
Las Vegas NV
Florence Italy
Washington DC (currently)

I'd like to live in NYC or Chicago. They both seem like cool cities with a lot going on, great restaurants, cool people, attractive ladies, etc. If I can get my business off the ground and ramp up expansion, this is definitely a possibility, but depends how tied down I am with relationships/family at that point.

I really liked Portland OR when I visited, but I think it's a little too relaxed for me. Likewise, I haven't been to Austin or Boulder/Denver, and from what I've heard, they're really cool cities, but I imagine too laid-back for my personality.

In a world where I had unlimited time and money and didn't need to worry about building a future, I'd also go walk the earth and live in Europe, the orient, etc. I think in my lifetime, that'll have to be a vacation.
I lived in Western Massachusetts until I was about 22

then Cape Cod for 6 months

then Boston for 2 years

then Rochester, NY for 2.5 years

now back in Boston since June

had a brief two month stint in York, PA (what a shithole)

I want to live in central america and/or europe at some point in my life. i would also like to live on the west coast for a bit
Lived in Michigan for about eight months, Florida for a year and a half, and Missouri for rest of my short life. I would love to live in the mountains somewhere, and is actually what I'm slowly gearing up to do.
Lived in the suburbs of Chicago and farm country

I would like to live anywhere south of the mason dixon
Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, Lebanon, Qatar, Egypt, U.A.E., U.K., Holland, Wyoming, Texas, Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Wisconsin

I think I prefer colder climates, any place with water and trees I can be happy in. I don't want to live in a city ever again--cities are places for younger people I think. I like having wilderness at my doorstep. Of every place I've lived, Texas is at the bottom; I really didn't like it.
California, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, and Texas.

I'd like to live in New England at some point. Internationally, I think Ireland would be a lot of fun.