Where are all the recordings?


Veteran X
I know T:V hasn't been out that long, but I would still thought that there would have been a demo section for it on TW. What's up?

Or has this already been covered?

Been out of the loop for a while.... hey Powda! Good to see some VV are still alive out there.
:eek: wow I haven't seen you in years!

Stop by #VV! :D

edit: I'm going to bed now, hope to see you around soon. :)
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I think one of the main reasons you haven't seen a T:V directory is because half of the recordings come out broken.
I'm dying for some capping routes.... my leetness from Tribes 1 has completely diminished while playing T:V. Oh well, I guess I'll be waiting for the patch to come out and hope they fix things.

I doubt they will be able to fix the thing with demos and the mods. That sounds too much like an engine coding problem, probably won't touch that one. Hmmmm, sounds like the days from Quake.