When you diet what do you crave?


Bunch of scrawny nerds with no concept of fitness. You don't diet to lose weight, as previously stated that requires an actual life style change. However, some us prefer to get cut before summer. Hence dieting...

That just means that you are fat and fucking gorge yourself for 9 months out of the year, and when you have to be seen in public without a shirt you make shame trips to the gym to look not so chubby.

Let me ask you this, do you pay your tailor extra to leave room in the front of your pants for your huge vagina?

Sent from your mom's Galaxy S III
I crave spinach, carrots, grapes, bananas, lean ground turkey, a handful of mixed nuts or trail mix, some bodacious cottage cheese with cinnamon, or one of my famous deluxe bean soups that are dense in nutrients. and water.
if you had a gluten allergy youd prob be dead

im willing to bet youre one of those faggots who thinks theyre gluten intolerant and hassles the wait staff at restaurants just so you can look like youre informed about food

fuck you, you don't have celiac disease
not really

i just hate hearing everyone and their mother complaining about gluten intolerance, especially when they have no idea what the fuck theyre talking about
not really

i just hate hearing everyone and their mother complaining about gluten intolerance, especially when they have no idea what the fuck theyre talking about

annoying dude, but very from a physiological stand point very solid explanation why to avoid gluten. and done so in only 20 minutes.

annoying dude, but very from a physiological stand point very solid explanation why to avoid gluten. and done so in only 20 minutes.

1. im too busy to watch that shit

2. i hope he cites his sources at one point in that presentation

3. it's trendy to be gluten free
Correlation, not causation. I avoid gluten because whenever I eat it I feel like arthritic shit. Not because some fag with skinny jeans and overpriced Apple garbage thinks it's cool.
I crave plants, and plants crave Brawndo®, the Thirst Mutilator.

Therefore, I crave Brawndo® vicariously.