when russia invades ukraine

We were flying our advanced military surveillance drone around Sevastopol Naval Base, during a war in which we openly convey our support for Ukraine ... but look at what those Russians have done by their "unprovoked act of hostility" against our drone!

For shame!
the us has actual advanced surveillance drones the 20 year old reaper drone isn't really state of the art
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Must be a good fishing spot...
blowing up that little RC plane got you in a bad mood huh

Kingsobieski iranian spy happy that reaper drone crashed after years of blowing up his terrorist friends in Syria and Iran

moves to USA to post about his love for Russia and hate for america

:harambe: move back to Iran if you love it so much, we never wanted you to begin with

better yet why didn't you move to Russia?
kittyloop the degenerate globalist simp
using double speak to claim he's a patriot
as the country is pushed to its knees
who's a proud boy?
you're a proud boy
Russias economy is now forecast to grow faster than those of Germany and the UK in 2023. How is that possible? - UK Daily News.

Russia’s economy is now forecast to grow faster than those of Germany and the UK in 2023. How is that possible?

The numbers would have been hard to imagine in the early days of the war, when Western sanctions sent Russia’s stock market and local currency, the ruble, into free fall and hundreds of international companies – from McDonald’s to Boeing – withdrew from the country. In March 2022, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen confidently predicted that “the Russian economy will be devastated”.

The Russians also expected a deeper economic crisis. According to reports, the Russian Ministry of Finance expects GDP to fall by more than 10 percent. As recently as December, a Reuters poll of 15 economists predicted a 2.5 percent decline for the coming year.

Also read: The global HVAC market is forecast to grow by USD 74.02 billion during the period 2023-2027, accelerating to a CAGR of 6.5% during the forecast period

And yet here we are, in early 2023, and the IMF is now forecasting that Russia’s economy, after contracting 2.2 percent last year, will grow again in 2023, by 0.3 percent and then by 2.1 percent in 2024 percent will grow for these European powerhouses? UK expected to shrink 0.6 percent; Germany will still be in the black, but only just; Growth of a feeble 0.1 percent is expected this year.

KittyCat israeli spy happy that reaper drone crashed after years of his terrorist friends in Banking, Hollywood and ~the~ MIC collecting millions on the sale of each one

~born into a family~ that moves to USA 4 him to post about his love for Judaism and Communism and hate for america

:harambe: move back to Israel if you love it so much, we never wanted you to begin with

better yet why didn't you move to Ukraine?

idk i tried 2 remix a fix but i think it's a bomb like jews drop on innocent palestinian children
Funny way for the IMF to describe being China's bitch vassal state - an "economy"


Between all the excess men in China, all the excess resources in Russia, and all the empty homes with single women in ethnic regions of the new Northern Chinese District, its gonna be home to the new iPhone 30 production line.
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