when russia invades ukraine

Winter is gonna be hilarious with the Europeans are burning tables and chairs.

If History repeats itself, it's that General Winter always wins in the end.
I have already told you this.

So what unit were you in and when? Where were you stationed? What rank were you? I have answered all these questions, but i know that short term memory loss be kickin.

I hear you talk a lot of shit and have shown pictures of a coin, but i've never seen a pic of you in uniform, you have never said what unit you were in, rank, etc.
Jugs dude you're a f****** liar either retire and be able to tell us the truth or none of your tales make sense just give it up and give up tribalwar
Oh yeah you don't care what we believe
you know what we don't care what you are

Step 1 invade

Step 2 kidnaps hundreds of thousands of Ukranian men/women who would vote "NO" then ship them all out to the gulags of Siberia

Step 3 hold a referendum where you're threatened to vote "correctly" or else

Step 4 cry that your former vassal states next door won't even recognize your failing attempts to steal land and work-camp the population

Step 5 whoa guys its a "civil war" stay out of it jeez plz stop sending HIMARS we totally saw them being sold to africans on ebay so u better stop or else.

Jugs dude you're a f****** liar either retire and be able to tell us the truth or none of your tales make sense just give it up and give up tribalwar
Oh yeah you don't care what we believe
you know what we don't care what you are

and yet i still keep getting questioned about various things.
Step 1 invade

Step 2 kidnaps hundreds of thousands of Ukranian men/women who would vote "NO" then ship them all out to the gulags of Siberia

Step 3 hold a referendum where you're threatened to vote "correctly" or else

Step 4 cry that your former vassal states next door won't even recognize your failing attempts to steal land and work-camp the population

Step 5 whoa guys its a "civil war" stay out of it jeez plz stop sending HIMARS we totally saw them being sold to africans on ebay so u better stop or else.


work of a strategic genius

4d chess shit
Jugs dude you're a f****** liar either retire and be able to tell us the truth or none of your tales make sense just give it up and give up tribalwar
Oh yeah you don't care what we believe
you know what we don't care what you are

I don't remember the details like what branch or rank or whatever, but he's posted a photo of himself in his dress unis.
I've known wars were endless and useless when over there my entire life. I missed the Vietnam draft by a couple years and saw the failure and corruption since that time, and now before I see it as before even Vietnam wars dating back to world war I, useless. Defend the borders, it's not that fucking hard and when you start doing that, I'll jump into the war right away. There have been no wars outside of our own borders that have been worth it. prove me wrong.
I'll say thank you to vets because I know most people going into the military were clueless and we need a military but it has been misused and abused and if you don't see that you're on the wrong side.
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