what's the difference between blackholes and wormholes?

there's always that 'elegant universe' pbs special if you really wanna know.

it's 3hrs and barely scratches the surface.
CaptainZero said:
According to Einstein's theory of gravity, general relativity, the presence of matter and energy warps the geometric fabric of space and time. When these folds make contact it's theory that a hole would form and you could step thru to a distant part of the universe. Except, in theory the holes that are formed are smaller then quantum particles, protons or electrons.

hmmmm...i can almost understand that :)

did you guy ever see the old movie "blackhole", where the guy goes inside a blackhole to save the world, and it turns out its a machine?
question: if you get sucked in the black hole, do you die instantly? or do you survive somehow?
neither of them 'really' exist....its all part of Bush's plan to rule the universe with an iron fist
TerraForce said:
question: if you get sucked in the black hole, do you die instantly? or do you survive somehow?

heh, every atom in your body imploding in on itself until your a point of singularity.....i think you live :roller:
I would doubt the survival rate of black holes would be high.. bound to get crunched into something.. if you were in a ship it would breach your hull and you would wave bye bye to your oxygen.
Stuff would implode in a blackhole? well i guess if thats true, its better then suffocating and being squashed.
Fancy Cat said:
sounds like my sex life as of late

btw this made no sense at all

but i wanted to crack at my sex life lately either way

its about as existant as a wormhole

but before that your moving faster then the speed of light against matter moving just as fast the other way, so im sure the 1 million+ heat would kill ya
wait...what? isn't all the matter and light getting sucked in at the same rate? why would anything be moving the other direction?
Fancy Cat said:
hmmmm...i can almost understand that :)

did you guy ever see the old movie "blackhole", where the guy goes inside a blackhole to save the world, and it turns out its a machine?

a while back I bittorrented a few of Stephen Hawking's audio books, very interesting stuff. Hawking has a talent for being able to explain hard to understand stuff to us laymen.

I recommend The Universe in a Nutshell, and The Theory of Everything if you decide to look for some of his stuff.
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cause matter has different mass an shit, and a black hole pulls in shit from everywhere, so its coming from all directions, i black hole isnt really a hole at all. In therory a black hole is a single point, but its event horizon(point where nothing can escapes its pull) is where light turns to darkness and the black hole 'appears'
fancy you should of watched the science channel last night, they had like 8 shows on black holes
When a star reaches the end of it's life, it goes through a singularity.

This is wear the star either Explodes (Supernova's) or Implodes (basically sucking it's mass into itself achieving a much high mass and density, depending on how large the star was. This mass and density will determine the size of the Event Horizon. Or the distance to the center of the hole in which light seizes to be able to escape. At that point any particle that comes close to it will be be sucked into the center of the black hole.

Some time travel theories go, that if you could boomerang yourself around the event horizon, at a speed where you would be effected, but not sucked into the center. This would cause time to slow down, as every does closer to a black hole. And thus you could essentially travel forward in time.

The big bang theory I believe kind of goes off of a similar concept, that the universe is shrinking, and that it will reach a point where it's shrunk to the point of infinate mass, and infinate density, at which point it explodes outward.


I read one of stephen hawkings physics books when I was like 14. Awesome stuff. I used to have the exact point where a star is unable to support itself, and thus becomes a singularity memorized.