What would happen if a plane tried to takeoff using a giant fan!!!


Veteran X
What would happen if you put a giant fan infront of a plane sitting on a runway with its engines on full? Would the plane use the wind created my the fan to fly in one spot?
If the fan can create windspeeds of the appropriate velocity than yes the plane could in theory fly motionless. However it would just fall when leaving the fans effects or if the fan was shut off.
its not a question of where he grips it, it's a simple question of weight ratios. A five ounce bird can not carry a 5 pound coconut.
The fan of course was create the proper air speed needed to lift the plane off the ground.

But for the plane to continue to fly after the fans turned off it would have to create an insane amount of thrust, would it not?
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|baby|roach| said:
The fan of course was create the proper air speed needed to lift the plane off the ground.

But for the plane to continue to fly after the fans turned off it would have to create an insane amount of trust, would it not?

i neeeeEEEEddd your trusstttt, baaabbbyyyy
it heeelppps me gettt off the grrrooounnnndddd

annd whhheeennn i donnn't haaave your trust baaaabbbbyyyyy
i fall doownn doownnn downnnnnnnn
|baby|roach| said:
What would happen if you put a giant fan infront of a plane sitting on a runway with its engines on full? Would the plane use the wind created my the fan to fly in one spot?

The trick is for the engines to hyperventilate and become as effeicent as possible.
Listen, in order to maintain air-speed velocity, a
swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times every second, right?
|baby|roach| said:
What would happen if you put a giant fan infront of a plane sitting on a runway with its engines on full? Would the plane use the wind created my the fan to fly in one spot?

This would actually help, the whole point of a plane moving forward in the first place is to move air over the wings, runways are designed so that you can usually take off with a headwind. That is, fly into the wind.

So, long story short, an enormous fan would actually help...provided the plane doesn't smash the fuck into it first.

Now if you put the fan behind the plane, that would make it harder.
|baby|roach| said:
What would happen if you put a giant fan infront of a plane sitting on a runway with its engines on full? Would the plane use the wind created my the fan to fly in one spot?

if the engines were on the plane would accelerate out of there

if the engines were off the plane would fly in one spot (granted im not taking into account precision required to do so)
Actually... if the fan was blowing REALLY hard enough... the pressure under the wings could create lift even withOUT the engines turned on. You would basically be creating a glider situation.

1. Think about what happens when you stick your hand out of the car while driving down the highway (tilting your fingers towards the sky)

2. Now strap jet engines to your hand.
|baby|roach| said:
The fan of course was create the proper air speed needed to lift the plane off the ground.

But for the plane to continue to fly after the fans turned off it would have to create an insane amount of thrust, would it not?

well basically after the fan turned off, the plane would drop like a stone.