What the fuck is Microsoft doing over there?

longhorn is retarded...theres nothing wrong with XP

just gimme DOS support for my old games thats all i ask
^Edge^ said:
Yes, but because darwin (i.e. OS X) is basically a tweaked version of NetBSD, and moreover it's open source, exploits are few and far between. Also, as soon as an exploit is discovered it is patched.

Sorry but if there is one thing Windows really loses on it is patching. They do provide a nice easy interface to get the newest updates and intsall them, but the problem is that microsoft has to write the updates and make them available, since no one else can do anything with the windows source. They have a record of sucking at it too, this summer an IE exploit was known and used for 20 days before microsoft sent out a patch, and the same thing is happening right now with SP2 bugs.


FreeBSD, not NetBSD

and no, OSX is not open source, so yes Apple has to write the patches in house

oh, and if macs were the majority percentage of the market, there would be more exploits for them. Its that simple
It's not about the appearance it's about the power.

If you're saying Microsoft sucks because their OS doesn't LOOK COOL... Well then :closet: .
I am working with microsoft on a custom build of longhorn for my company. Trust me, you will like. Here is a screen.

I turn off all effects on my computer anyway. I don't need any of the stupid graphics on my desktop. I look for functionality. If I want it to look nice I play a game.
PsioniX said:
FreeBSD, not NetBSD

and no, OSX is not open source, so yes Apple has to write the patches in house

oh, and if macs were the majority percentage of the market, there would be more exploits for them. Its that simple
Pardon me, you are right about it being built on FreeBSD, not NetBSD.

The graphical frontend is not open source, but the OS core is, check out
http://developer.apple.com/darwin/ or www.opendarwin.org

The majority of servers today run some *nix variant, so why are there consistently fewer and less harmful exploits for those systems? It's not just a matter of market share. Sure if more people used macs it would make sense that more people would be trying to exploit them, and it makes sense that you would actually see more mac exploits. But the fact is that the OS is built on a better foundation, with better engineering principles, and has a better model for dealing with bugs.
^Edge^ said:
Pardon me, you are right about it being built on FreeBSD, not NetBSD.

The graphical frontend is not open source, but the OS core is, check out
http://developer.apple.com/darwin/ or www.opendarwin.org

The majority of servers today run some *nix variant, so why are there consistently fewer and less harmful exploits for those systems? It's not just a matter of market share. Sure if more people used macs it would make sense that more people would be trying to exploit them, and it makes sense that you would actually see more mac exploits. But the fact is that the OS is built on a better foundation, with better engineering principles, and has a better model for dealing with bugs.

no, its because over 90% of home users are PC users

most of the time these exploits are used by script kiddies, or just some "cyber punks" that want to affect the most people

if most of the home market was macs, youd see some exploits
Got Haggis? said:
the longhorn interface is supposed to be entirely vector based (no more bitmaps) and supposed to require a 3d card with pixel shader 2 and at least 64 mb of ram.

wow, good luck to MS getting it to work on all those e-machine crap computers sold at costco with crap on-board video chipsets.

I can just see it now, a FPS counter for your desktop.
Dangerdoggie said:
wow, good luck to MS getting it to work on all those e-machine crap computers sold at costco with crap on-board video chipsets.

I can just see it now, a FPS counter for your desktop.
Apple didn't seem to have much trouble selling OSX to it's obssessed fanbase. Aqua initially had no hardware acceleration, so all of those "OMG BEAUTIFUL FX" that Mac users like to harp on about wound up being disabled by anybody that knew what they were doing.
Dangerdoggie said:
wow, good luck to MS getting it to work on all those e-machine crap computers sold at costco with crap on-board video chipsets.

I can just see it now, a FPS counter for your desktop.

it wont be released for awhile, im sure there will be onboard video that could run it fine by then.
ill tell ya what,
the whole startbar look is getting old.
windows needs to come up with some kind of a dock option or something else to access applications.
RC said:
ill tell ya what,
the whole startbar look is getting old.
windows needs to come up with some kind of a dock option or something else to access applications.
Who cares if it's old if it works?
i think the current version of longhorn has all the 'under the skin' features. i think the 3d vector-based GUI is still in development...

and windows xp is truely a great OS, even 4 years(?) after release. MS can take their time and make it right again, it will be worth the wait