What supplements do you take?

Just be sensible and change it up.

When it comes to stuff that goes into or onto my body, I don't like to use the same brand or source of anything exclusively if I can avoid it. Moderation, variation - these have been good to me.

I do love olive oil for food and body maintenance. I usually change it up but I started buying this shit:

Shit is good. Probably full of Cali Lameness or something.
I guess about the only "supplement" i take regularly take is local honey, keeps allergies at bay. The supplement market is like 99% bullshit. There is no regulation on it, they can pretty much say a product does anything without any testing at all.
Can't go wrong with honey. Bees are amazing. The wax is great too. Awesome creatures to have around.

Hopefully, they aren't eating things fucked up by humans and everything is good.
A close friend owns a supplement company here. He's main clients are gym junkies. I can get anything from him for free from strange RnD lab products that won't get to market to all kinds of supplements. I have all kinds of samples that he drops off. Recently he dropped off a bag of capsules he reckons are like viagra. I'm not touching that shit. All I take is a multivitamin if I had a few beers the night before... which is rare.
BP is OK. I understand how he resents or is triggered by original thought. I try to put myself in his pink crocs and and look at the world from a vacuum. I would never make fun of a blind person for their lack of sight*, I won't make fun of BP for his lack of cognitive ability.

*Not exactly true but they would have to be a good friend or an asshole
Also I have some magnesium powder with water if I've done a heap of exercise. Seems to help with recovery... and if you drink it often you start getting more unexpected erections.
Vitamin D, Omega-3 and MSM. If I haven't slept well I may have an energy drink with collagen. Prefer coffee though.
Also I have some magnesium powder with water if I've done a heap of exercise. Seems to help with recovery... and if you drink it often you start getting more unexpected erections.

Magnesium gives you deeper sleep. That's when the body produces the most testosterone.
Daily Men's multivitamin.


They do a 50+ version but I'm like no way, 60 is the new 50 so I'm putting that shit off.

Occasionally a few Vit C just b/c the crunchy ones taste good

I do have some magnesium somewhere so I might try taking a bunch of that to see if I get teen style workplace wood

Oh and Horny Goat Weed of course
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Yes. I run a chain of supplement stores and also sell my own brand of supplements. They're virtually all scams with no scientific evidence to back up their claims, or studies that were paid for by the supplement companies. The entire fitness industry is one giant scam where various hucksters try to sell you snake oil and dust pills that will supposedly give you gigantic muscles. The real supplement is injected testosterone.

Possibly the best post-racist-Absent post ever.

Yes. I run a chain of supplement stores and also sell my own brand of supplements. They're virtually all scams with no scientific evidence to back up their claims, or studies that were paid for by the supplement companies. The entire fitness industry is one giant scam where various hucksters try to sell you snake oil and dust pills that will supposedly give you gigantic muscles. The real supplement is injected testosterone.
