what happens when you don't have a girlfriend or access to the internet... or friends

I did some with my friend last summer. If you have some experience as a climber and gymnast it isn't much of a stretch. You train in a gymnasium with mats and such, and regardless of how good you are, you have to be a little nuts to do aerials onto concrete.
Its freaky how the neighborhoods seen in the video are so dead... post-industrial wasteland kinda thing.

Be pretty amazing to see in person...
Psychosis said:
Its freaky how the neighborhoods seen in the video are so dead... post-industrial wasteland kinda thing.

Be pretty amazing to see in person...
Probably just a regular suburban living area on a Sunday morning.
haah yeah... base jumpers are so lame...
im gonna go play an MMORPG and hide in my parents basement some more:rolleyes:
tdp said:
you can't really say big balls come into play when you have 0 control over the outcome of the situation. not only that, but for such a short stupid thrill. i call that stupidity.

That's exactly why you have to have big balls to do it. You don't control your destiny. It doesn't take big balls to walk a tightrope if you've been doing it your entire life.
He probably had one friend to film for him or judging from the camera work maybe he just strapped the camera to a dog