What happened to main site/news page?


Veteran XX
Haven't visited in quite a while, went to the front page and see it's FUBAR and hasn't been updated in a long time.
sorry, nothing is being updated at this time, it's just us 30 racists that are left, and of course the red one and the yellow one, vanster and cael.

welcome back!
It's not just that it's not been updated, it's that the css and who knows what else is broken. I originally tried to login to that, and it hung, so my first thought was -- oh well guess TW is defunct.
What it looks like
Yes - it is defunct. We are stuck here because Rayn won't let us out. Is the "G" in your handle pronounced like "Gizmo" or "Jizmo"?
What do you think is going to happen to something you entrust to Amadeus the Hungarian pedophile/weeaboo/furry?
Haven't visited in quite a while, went to the front page and see it's FUBAR and hasn't been updated in a long time.
The css went fubar'd about three months ago, just after new years. No one in command has the skills or intelligence to correct it, or even care
Colossus tried to turn it into a news site. Copied the idea from Digg, which was in vogue at the time.
The tables are all cluttered with empty beer bottles, tequila bottles and the expected "this is better than that" bottles. There is crusty old nacho cheese stuck on every single table and someone puked on one of them. We used to have a guy that kept them clean but he went on monster.com and poof he was gone.
darkpiece is passed out on one of the tables. Narcan and the AED didn't wake him so we're letting him sleep.
Looks fine to me :shrug:


Apart from it being 4 yrs out of date and mysteriously logging me out that is.

Not that I ever go there anyway