What does 'pop a squat' mean to you?


Veteran X
What does 'pop a squat' mean to you?

Take a seat?
Take a pee?
Take a poo?
anything else?

Discussion came up at lunch today. I was eating lunch with my girlfriend and her three friends. Her friends and I all said take a seat, but she insisted that it was take a pee, more specifically a drunken pee. She called her friends from home and they all agreed with her, a drunk pee.

So what do you think it is?

'pop' = 'cop', if you heard of or use 'cop a squat'.
Sounds scarily close to 'cop a squat,' which is what my martial arts master says when he wants us to squat down. (then we either squat walk around the room, or do squat kicks, or some other such activity while squatting. Works your legs out tons.)