What does it take for you to get into a fight?

I would probably fight if I had a guy in my face talking shit. I'm a pretty calm guy, I've never gunned for a fight, but I've never backed down from one either. Even if I knew I was gunna take a beating, I'd still fight, otherwise I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
Putrid said:
only one thing sets me off anymore...

don't ever, ever, ever call me the 'c' word.

I am not cute damnit and I will knock your block off if you say so you freaking lying sack of sappiness.

You are a cunt..

...a cunt..

....a cuntinuous source of inspiration.
iNVAR said:
would take me a helluva lot too. like the other person would actually have to be the first one to make a move, like spit on me or something or give me a hard shove.

either that or it'd have to be fucking obvious there's no way i could avoid it.

of course we all know this will probably change when i'm a cop and learn that i have to make people fucking respect mah authoritay :p.... bleh
i hear that, ive actually been getting a little less lenient, and more totalitarian with some of my employees lately, kindof as practice for when i try to get into law enforcement >:)
this kid tried choking me once...i was stunned...as far as i knew we were friends. Some other guys got him off me and im like wtf? and he runs off. I didnt try to find him because at the time I thought his dad was a cop (turns out he was in prison).

If I ever see him again, he is getting such a beat down.
I dont know, I can get really pissed off and still not want to fight. I have a serious inhibition about trying to hurt people. But I suppose if it came down to it though, if they took a swing on me, I'd be swinging right back.
I'll pretty much come to blows for any reason really. If there is alcohol in me probably even more so.

I've jumped in fights that were'nt even directed at me.

Lost many fights but never fought the same guy twice.

Most times fights are at clubs, either I'm talking to some dudes girlfriend and he gets pissed or the other way around. Taken a swing a cop drunk and spent 3 days in the cooler for that. been tossed out on my ear by three body guards (literally tossed). Fought my cousin for throwing a stick at my dog. Fought a guy because he flipped off the guy behind me. Been in 1 actual bar fight, (like on tv ) that sucked, too much shit around that is near fucking deadly. A lot of fights also occur in the mosh pits at concerts. I'll normally just jump in and start throwing punches, if it's a real fight, and not people blowing off steam.

Got my ass stomped by the (at the time) Texas Grand Champion of Karate. That sucked. We are actually friends now. Fought a boxxer and got my ass knocked out cold. Had a bottle broken over my head 7 staples on that. Fought some guy i hit with a golf ball at a gold course ( alchohol involved )

Pretty much hang with people who are the same way so more times than not its not even my fight, i just jump in. *shrug*
The only fights I ever been in, 99.9% of them happened on the playing field (basketball mostly, sometimes others). I'm a fairly bitter competitor and probably a bad loser too :)

I got in a couple other fights in highschool with my best friend, but that was always an inability to resolve some other kind of conflict.

I haven't been in a fight in years, I've managed to surround myself with enough people that keep me out of most the trouble I can't avoid myself.
Putrid said:
so you had to let out that little mint green frilly dress?

the patent leather shoes and bobby socks still fit though, right? :bouncy:

yea :| it was a bitch to find those shoes in my size though and i'll be damned if i never wear them again ;)
Falhawk said:
Are you a TOUGH GUY?

What does it take for you to be moved to physical violence?

Me, I don't give a fuck about most things. You could stand in my face and call me a shit eater and I wouldn't give a fuck. I think it would take a lot for me to actually get into a fight. Credible threats to family probably. Although I'd back up any friend who got into a fight.
exactly the same here
Sift said:
yea :| it was a bitch to find those shoes in my size though and i'll be damned if i never wear them again ;)

I lub you sift, will you come be my secrect cabana boy?
