What do you all think of waiting until Marriage?

mars gonna lose it in a drunken stupor and then wish he had done it with someone whose name he could remember.
imo, it's pretty stupid to wait. sex is a big part of a long term relationship. and if you are just finding out about that part after something like marriage?...what if you two just aren't compatible in that fashion? what if she no good at sex, or what if you are? what if she has smelly beaver? wtf you gonna do, get divorced?

my guess is that if you waited to have sex till marriage in the first place, you prolly aren't gonna be getting a divorce willy nilly.

why would waiting be better for yourself? i say leave the superstition/religion/wtf ever at home and experience a LARGE part of a relationship before you get married.
I could have pretty much any girl or guy I wanted to screw and have been in that situation numerous times

sex is like a magnifying glass

if theres closeness in a relationship, it'll make you closer

if theres problems, it'll make them bigger
james said:
sex is like a magnifying glass

if theres closeness in a relationship, it'll make you closer

if theres problems, it'll make them bigger

Preach it