What Did I Kill [PICS]

it's written on the back in jive
i don't speak jive brotha

that was actually 2 guys on my bball team dan (the second black)
it's a dragonfly, although not as pretty as this one, you can see the similarities.

I saw one of those downtown by galleria mall mafo. I believe its a young dragonfly otherwise I dont know. I killed the one I saw, however this year is the first year Ive seen anything like it around.
its a fucking dragonfly you idiots. wow cry a little more. i can't believe how pussified some of you nerdvirgins are. OMG A BUG!
it's not a dragonfly...do you not see the proboscis? totally gives it away as not a dragonfly...it's more like a deer fly, but i dont know for sure.

we have them down here in texas too, and they bite
:lol: at people who have never seen a dragonfly before

and Mafo you are an ass. Dragonflies are harmless and grow up to be pretty and totally not annoying to humans :[

Edit: also I don't think that's a proboscis. That leg/body/everything structure is exactly like a tiny dragonfly.
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its a fucking dragonfly you idiots. wow cry a little more. i can't believe how pussified some of you nerdvirgins are. OMG A BUG!

Oh, and I suppose you have no fear of anything in the world Mr. Bigger-than-your-britches?

I, for one, merrily admit that roaches are repugnant creatures that cause me to assume the fetal position.