What are you dumb cunts dressing up as?


derp derp

I'm wearing my awesome hat (fuck spending money on costumes).

The faggot wearing my hat in the pic is not me.
It's pyrofaggot.

Yesterday at a party I wore a suit underneath my wetsuit and then pulled off my wetsuit a little after arriving to demonstrate that I was in fact James Bond...damn it was a bitch getting the wetsuit on over it...
nothing because dressing up is for fags

if anyone asks me what i'm supposed to be tonight, the answer is "drunk"

the only thing gayer than guys who go out on halloween dressed up, are guys who go out on halloween not dressed up.

kill the antisocial
Negatory, antisocial is staying home because you don't want to go out.
If you can't go out, then that's a different story.
Yesterday at a party I wore a suit underneath my wetsuit and then pulled off my wetsuit a little after arriving to demonstrate that I was in fact James Bond...damn it was a bitch getting the wetsuit on over it...

i can only imagine how uncomfortable that was.
i'm staying at home and giving out candy to the kids of the street. i got tons of candy and not many kids ever come around, so each kid is gonna get a huge handfull