what are the funniest steriotypes you've ever heard or made up


Veteran X
Veteran XX
some asains are angry because they eat soo much rice that they are always harboring a painful shit
all trump supporters, especially on tw, are white supremacist nationalist nazis
thats probably a safe assumption but its probably not true. I mean I bet there are a handful out there who probably couldn't bang with real skin heads or simply afraid to
Some greenies exhibit poorly functioning brain capacity, are easily triggered, lazy dole bludging basket weavers who do not wash, and will blindly go into bat for any minority, hate on financially successful people, and are slaves to their condoned stereotypical hippy selves while convinced they are individuals. It's like choosing a hippy load-out. I'll go with the beard and stupid hat, while you can wear the tie dye, Marsha, stop shaving those armpits and wear only singlets, without a bra. We have no money but lets get some tats.. I'll do them myself. Let's go to a protest and feel good about our contribution, then stick a save the whales sticker on the back of my shit-box, smoke blowing hippie car.

Something like that.
Funniest? Dang, they're usually depressing.

That I made up? I haven't, but I promote a couple. People who wear hoodies are usually criminals. People who wear flatbrims are either criminals or idiots, most often both.
A Mass-hole I worked with long ago claimed that all redheads had stinky pussies. I never developed a body of experience with redheads that would allow me to judge that one way or the other.
Muslims and Islam are the religion of peace, even though the Quran has over 100 passages telling them to kill those who don't believe or convert.
Muslims and Islam are the religion of peace, even though the Quran has over 100 passages telling them to kill those who don't believe or convert.

Oh FFS. Can we get a quadruple facepalm gif up in here please, and a dictionary for this moron.
actual white supremacist nazis in the US : <10,000*
white supremacist nazis in the US per the media : 197.7M

* number taken from BBC article 13/8/17 about alt-right.
Guys with girthy penises are better for one night stands as opposed to dating partners.

Source: heard it from a girl when talking bout my Dick (u decide which category I fall into)
yeah they're not nazi's they just come here to

threaten race war
talk about how the jews control everything
talking about whether or not stormfront/daily stormer are online
fly a modified nazi war ensign in their sig
espouse white identity politics
hate on any immigrant that isn't white

but u know they're just good old boys really
nobody is threatening race war

we r just desperately dreaming 4 it 2 happen soon enough 4 the mighty mighty whitey to still have a sporting chance