[wedding]What do I register for?


Veteran XX
I am blanking and could use ideas.

Things I don't need:
Kitchen Appliances
Place Setting/Knives

Things I registered for:
Grilling equipment
Power tools
Patio Furniture/decorations

Am I missing some obvious stuff? Everyone says go nuts on kitchen gear but I have an almost full set of nice appliances.
Wedding registries :lol:

america never ceases to amaze
How about you take whatever people want to give you
I'm kind of put off by it, in the last year I've been to 2 engagement parties (where you're expected to bring presents) which were followed by wedding showers (no I didn't go to these).

I just don't understand the whole idea of giving/getting all these presents. We aren't poor and have supplied most things for ourselves so I have no idea what to ask for.

Good suggestions so far though
I'm kind of put off by it, in the last year I've been to 2 engagement parties (where you're expected to bring presents) which were followed by wedding showers (no I didn't go to these).

I just don't understand the whole idea of giving/getting all these presents. We aren't poor and have supplied most things for ourselves so I have no idea what to ask for.

Good suggestions so far though

Just ask for gift certificates or cash.
My fiancée is Vietnamese - they just give you cash as a wedding gift. There is even like a ceremonial cash box or something.