[WARNING: POLITICAL BULLSHIT] So Kerry would offer Iran a nuclear deal...

For the record this is me owning up and saying I couldn't find anything stating that lil Kim actually threatened a nuclear strike verbally. Just a lot of missle test fires, proposed nuke tests, and sabre rattling. I maintain that Iran's neighbors would feel threatened much as NKs do, but I do retract my assertion that Kim has directly threatened nuclear attack.
Blotter said:
not really, but at least i try to be non-partisan and my head isnt so far up bush's ass i cant see daylight
You've already chosen your side of the fence & not only did I call you on it, but I even highlighted your affiliation in

How's it feel? Smell the aroma of my bawlz...
I don't understand the alternative. Here are some questions: Are you suggesting that our policy ought to be "no, Iran, you can't use nuclear power?" How realistic do you think it is to deny use of nuclear power to countries as a means of preventing nuclear proliferation? How do you plan for us to enforce this policy? By war? How realistic do you think it is to make war on every country that we feel threatened by? Do you think such a war would be any better than what's happened in Iraq? How long do you think the current policy in the middle east of "do as we say, or we'll take you over and ask questions later" can last?
Animo said:
im voting for bush cause of this
I swear...

I'm going to make millions upon millions with that slogan! I'll put it on bumper stickers from Baja to Davenport...

And, rest assured, I'll fuck you out of every last dime!
Phoenix said:
I don't understand the alternative. Here are some questions: Are you suggesting that our policy ought to be "no, Iran, you can't use nuclear power?" How realistic do you think it is to deny use of nuclear power to countries as a means of preventing nuclear proliferation? How do you plan for us to enforce this policy? By war? How realistic do you think it is to make war on every country that we feel threatened by? Do you think such a war would be any better than what's happened in Iraq? How long do you think the current policy in the middle east of "do as we say, or we'll take you over and ask questions later" can last?
Unfortunately you are right in certain respects, a policy of "do as we say, or we'll lob a nuke on one of your population centers" seems much more cost effective and practical.
cogzinofa said:
who cares if Iran gets a nuclear weapon? nuclear powers have a long history of not attacking each other.
sane people have a long history of not suicide bombing civilians to reach a place in the heavens where 72 virgins await them
Bodom said:
sane people have a long history of not suicide bombing civilians to reach a place in the heavens where 72 virgins await them
true...and coincidentally no one who has blown himself up with a bomb can be found anywhere in government.

I don't expect that those who would aquire nuclear weapons and the giant target that comes with them would put a wacky suicial maniac in charge of them any more than the US military puts a 18-year-old gung-ho foot soldier in charge of launch codes.
Bodom said:
sane people have a long history of not suicide bombing civilians to reach a place in the heavens where 72 virgins await them

Since when do the religious rulers of Iran believe that? Terrorists have a twisted view of Islam. The only reason Iran would give them any support would be for political reasons, (they hate israel and the US for supporting Israel). Terrorists are extreme religious extremists who would cause instability if they were allowed any sort of power in Iran, Iraq, or any other country. The leadership in Iran is not stupid enough to give them support and leave a paper trail (which there always is). It isn't going to happen, and to even talk about it as a possibility shows your ignorance to the issue.
FngrBANG said:
You've already chosen your side of the fence & not only did I call you on it, but I even highlighted your affiliation in

How's it feel? Smell the aroma of my bawlz...
have fun havin others think for u. do you even remember what the sun looks like?
[OPs]Prophecy said:
I asked Waiden to link me where North Korea has been threatening its neighbors with nuclear weapons.

Meso said that N.K. has been test firing missile near or over Japan.

A missile fired, a nuclear threat does not make.

The only thing N.K. has ever threatened is to test a nuclear weapon(probably underground) as part of a testing procedure that all nuclear capable countries have done including the US and most recently Pakistan and India.

N.K. has not threatened to "nuke" its neighbors. Ironically though, if I were Japan I would watch out for the US nuking them though as according to history only the US has a propensity for "nuking" people.
Are you fucking kidding me?

What do you think Kim Jong Il is going to attach to the ends of those ICBMs? Fucking lollipops for the Japanese children?

NEWS FLASH, FUCKNUTS: They're designed to carry nuclear warheads.

Holy fuck, you cannot be that stupid.
Bodom said:


Prove me wrong then fucktard. Serious give me a logical believable argument where Iran would give nuclear material or a weapon to terrorists to use against the US. Because I honestly don't see it and neither do most analysts. It just doesn't register. It would have to be some side faction within the Government of Iran that would do anything like that.

Please prove me wrong, I would like to hear your argument. Otherwise you are just blowing hot air.
I don't give a fuck what the US State Department says. Like I said in my initial post, I don't care WHOSE IDEA IT IS, IT'S FUCKING RETARDED. If Bush supports it, I will call him a fucking idiot.
orbital 123 said:
Prove me wrong then fucktard. Serious give me a logical believable argument where Iran would give nuclear material or a weapon to terrorists to use against the US. Because I honestly don't see it and neither do most analysts. It just doesn't register. It would have to be some side faction within the Government of Iran that would do anything like that.

Please prove me wrong, I would like to hear your argument. Otherwise you are just blowing hot air.
Tehran would never openly admit to providing nuclear material to terrorists.

I hope you don't think, though, that some members of their government wouldn't be willing to cross that line in the name of Jihad against Western society...
orbital 123 said:
Since when do the religious rulers of Iran believe that? Terrorists have a twisted view of Islam. The only reason Iran would give them any support would be for political reasons, (they hate israel and the US for supporting Israel). Terrorists are extreme religious extremists who would cause instability if they were allowed any sort of power in Iran, Iraq, or any other country. The leadership in Iran is not stupid enough to give them support and leave a paper trail (which there always is). It isn't going to happen, and to even talk about it as a possibility shows your ignorance to the issue.
I think the word to describe this post is oblivious. Yes, that about sums it up, oblivious.
orbital 123 said:
Serious give me a logical believable argument where Iran would give nuclear material or a weapon to terrorists to use against the US. Because I honestly don't see it and neither do most analysts. It just doesn't register. It would have to be some side faction within the Government of Iran that would do anything like that.
because every person in the government loves the United States and would never think of helping the cause against the Great Western Devil by aiding terrorists for money or otherwise

yeah, thats the ticket
orbital 123 said:
Serious give me a logical believable argument where Iran would give nuclear material or a weapon to terrorists to use against the US.
orbital 123 said:
It would have to be some side faction within the Government of Iran that would do anything like that.

You're debating yourself and I'm not sure who is winning.