Want to have the most AWESOME fucking engagement photos? Just ask the Japs how.


... never before has context mattered so little.
it only bothers me when people post things from reddit and act like they came up with it themselves. like whoever the fuck posted the porn orchestra thing and then later posted the fast forward blowjobs/benny hill which was one of the top rated commments on the same thread for the porn orchestra thing...
it only bothers me when people post things from reddit and act like they came up with it themselves. like whoever the fuck posted the porn orchestra thing and then later posted the fast forward blowjobs/benny hill which was one of the top rated commments on the same thread for the porn orchestra thing...

yes because reddit is the origin of all things

I like it. If i ever get married i want to do something different rather than the same old boring protocol. My wedding will have 20 peeps max.

Whatever happened to that chick you met online that was perfect for you? That seemed like it was heading towards marriage. Did she turn out to be crazy or are you two not so serious anymore?
Why do you guys insist on reposting shit from reddit here?

Pretty much anything new or interesting will be posted on reddit. Thats how it works. You'd pretty much have to make it yourself then post it only on TW to have it not be a repost from reddit or some other major site (which would eventually get posted to reddit too).

That said, this is kind of boring even though it involves zombies
Reddit is a filter for the internet for things that are new and interesting. TW is a filter for reddit for new, interesting, typically twisted things.

Of this I approve.