vote jill stein


Veteran XX
gary johnson is a crazy conspiracy nutjob who support israel, what more reason do u need


While running as a Republican, Johnson stated that he "supports the right of Israel to exist as a sovereign country and believes that the United States should protect that right militarily if needed."[20] He also stated that Israel is an important ally, and that America's military alliance with Israel should be maintained, but that he opposes financial aid to Israel, as he does to all countries.[7] He has said he would not follow Israel or any other ally into a war that it had initiated.[28]
So he's saying he would help them out if they were attacked, but not give them aid otherwise, and not follow them into a war they started

Seems like a reasonable stance to me
Why is there so much discussion about the "other" candidates? They have no freaking chance, and casting a vote for them is a waste.
has ngfm ever changed his opinion on anything when presented with evidence to the contrary?
If we continue to ignore 3rd party candidates/views we will never have more than 2 options.
Even if you don't ignore them, you still only have two options.

The only time a new party is made in this country is after one of the two major parties officially splits up.
VOTE FOR JILL STEIN!! IF a third party candidate gets 5% of the popular vote, they will have access to public funds and even presidential debate eligibility! How awesome would it be to have three choices instead of one (two) bipartisian dictatorship?
i was g0nna v0te for stein, then i realized stein is a kike name, so i v0ted f0r gary johns0n based on advice from arcadus

i am s0rry cael :)