[video] Looping Improv


Veteran X
So, I'm kinda addicted to my loop pedal. I usually spend about 45 minutes to an hour every night completely improvising loops or song-ish things, some of which have become parts of some of my more "actual" songs. I was bored and decided to record the process of me making one such loop. It gets pretty sloppy at the end, especially since the distortion pedal was up way too loud and its part of the loop didn't save properly, cutting in and out. There are some obvious slip-ups (especially the absolutely random clean part at the end), but it's just a one-off and not meant to be a demonstration of me flexing my technical muscle at all.


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It's a Boss RC-2. It's the size of a standard Boss pedal. It's surprisingly as capable as other loopers, but at a much lower price.
I have the Boss 20XL I use it for live acoustic gigs. Its really nice having a pedal I can go into a gig with and either improv something on the fly or have a track ready and waiting wth bass, rhythm, keyboard and drums for me to play along with.

I have experimented with some of the vocal harmonies over the loop station also... as I get better I might incorporate some of that into it also.... I have seen some really good beat boxers use the 20xl and do amazing things.
