[Video Game] NCAA 2012 - Now with 80% less sweater vest

on the subject of sports games, I'm still playing NBA 2k11..

Haven't really gotten into the 'association mode' in there, though.. I'm a "my player" kinda guy, I quite enjoying controlling one guy on and off the ball. The first player I started is now into his 3rd season and completely maxed out (a 7 foot small forward. Yes, that's utterly stupid but it's there). I've also got a 7'5 centre who's almost maxed out in his 2nd season - to the point where he can happily sit outside and bomb threes..

For something different, I also made a point guard, this guy's 5'7.

His skills are pretty damn good (maxed out outside shot, now working on rounding him out a bit), but still misses a lot. One thing I learned from it is that even if you don't actually get blocked, part of the variables the game mechanics seem to use to work out whether your shot hits or not would appear to include the height difference between you and the guy defending you.... so even when I've pulled off an ankle breaker and am pretty much completely open outside, my shots seem to miss (actually moreso than my centre does when contested), so that gets kinda annoying.

I've also created a big shooting guard as well just recently, got drafted at #11 (I'm pretty sure the top 10 are already pre-determined - eg you're in the same draft as John Wall, who always gets picked up #1 by the wizards, and there's pre-recorded commentary in the game about how lucky the wizards are to be able to pick up such a great point guard to round out their blah blah blah....)

But yeah. Fun game.

Might need to take a look at that association mode, though.. I do usually have fun with that sort of thing, too.

football though... I know the basics, and even though I was actually asked to play at college*, I've never really been that into it. I want a new rugby game. One with the sort of detail that goes into those sorts of titles.

... and after a quick search, it appears that one.. actually two are on the way. "Rugby World Cup 2011", and "Rugby Challenge".. which actually looks pretty promising.

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If you want to win, you need to find the bread and butter play that no one can stop (since it will be an exploit of the game mechanics) and run it over and over again. Then hoot and holler on a variety of forums like a Gorilla as if you have skill. Same shit as last year, the year before that, and the year before that.

i think i'll skip it this year.

and by skip it i mean i didn't get it at midnight or before the release date for the first time in like 6 years and I'm gonna go pick it up in a little bit.
I always get it right away and then get annoyed because the community doesn't finish quality roster files for a long time and I don't like starting a dynasty with incorrect rosters

I'm anal as fuck but I do it to myself every year
I always get it right away and then get annoyed because the community doesn't finish quality roster files for a long time and I don't like starting a dynasty with incorrect rosters

I'm anal as fuck but I do it to myself every year

play rtg till they release the rosters