[VID] Preparing Corn on the Cob - No fucking husking

he forgot the most important parts....

1) soak in water for 15 minutes

2) put in grill on medium-high heat

3) continue
Can I still cook it on a grill or over a fire and cut the husk off like that? I would rather not microwave the corn camping.
All the corn on the cob I have eaten, it never dawned on me to open the ears like that.

I think it would, because microwaves boil the water away, turning to steam. That is also what happens when grilling the corn in the ears, after being soaked.

So by thoughts of deduction, I will say absolutely yes.
You know naptown, the saddest thing about having animal penis and blatant homosexuality as your sig, is that you had to select each one in the first place.
using bread to butter the cob...genius

as for the old guy microwave method, i dont know how much i'd trust a guy who can hardly operate a microwave. but i guess i've had microwaved corn on the cob before and its not all that bad. still better than canned corn for example.