Veterans Day

Jim Beam

Veteran XV
As a veteran of 20+ years, it is difficult to look at this Country. It is difficult to be proud of service when men dressed as women can enter women's bathrooms and expect to be treated normally. It is difficult to watch children be indoctrinated that sodomy and evil is good and normal. It is difficult to see women and children masked over a fake pandemic. It is difficult to pay raising prices for fuel and energy and food.

It is difficult to to accept a nation that forced same sex marriage, unrelegated immigration of shitskins, and forcing mental disorders as the new normal. It is difficult to see a Christian Nation fall into the demonic agenda of equity and dumbing down of education to the lowest denominator.

It is difficult to watch a new fag military succeed the military we built. It is difficult to watch the erosion of our military strength. Our enemies don't give a shit about your stupid, vapid, delusional feelings.

It is difficult to watch our Constitution be destroyed by all political parties, our economy weaponized against small business, and a justice system that regards race more important then facts.

We have a nation where we no longer trust election results, we no longer trust our healthcare providers, we no longer trust vaccines, we can no longer trust businesses.

I spent the last night at a resort. Out of a hundred families, there were two families that I saw as attractive and beautiful. The rest were disgusting fat, ugly, whites, blacks and mulattos. The two attractive families were french canadian. The US is really a disgusting example of the celebrated "melting pot."

We are the baddies. We are the Great Satan, as our enemies called us. Don't get me wrong, the muslims are terrible. But, the US is the Great Satan now.

We live in a world of a false President, a false Pope, and false ideas of sexuality and gender.

There is nothing worth fighting for in the military. It is a faggot parade now.

I spent 20+ years in vain as a veteran of the US military. We saved nothing. We have destroyed our children, their education, the economy, and our so called imperialism.

We focused on the jew controlled wars of the middle east, instead of protecting the interests and values of the progeny of this COUNTRY.

As a veteran, I can get a free meal at any number of restaurants today. And i did for the first time (thanks olive garden). Gave the savings to the waiter.

As a veteran, we failed. We did not save this Country. We killed brown people, which is fine. But, we did not protect our society, culture, and religion from brown people.

White people gave up. After creating the modern world and civilization, white people gave up and let the disgusting creatures of the world take over our society.

At the resort, I saw a white, blonde women with a blonde, blue eyed daughter and they were with a black dude with his face covered in tattoos. The mother had crazy misaligned eyes. Guess how soon the two of them are dead...?

We accept this. We made this possible.

The sacrifice of our Founding Fathers, and all the REAL men who actually fought, is vanishing and nearly dead. Do you realize what we gave up?

Dixie was a Americana, but now we have to hate one of the greatest US generals ROBERT E LEE. How did we invite and brainwash so many illegal people that we have to hate our own history and people?

I don't hate my Country. I believe marriage is ONE MAN AND ONE WOMEN. I believe homosexuals are demonic and deserve to die by the State. I believe interracial marriage is unhealthy for both races. I don't believe in fighting wars for the jews anymore.

I'm tired of men being misaligned and ridiculed for being strong. I'm tired of celebrating a culture that makes women whores.

Fuck whores. Fuck faggots. Fuck satan and all his evil machinations.

If there are any young people here considering joining the military, I would tell you to reconsider. There is no honor in this military. Your life will be better well spent without military service.

I understand if you have fathers and grandfathers who served. You want to follow their example, you want to serve, you want to sacrifice.

That is noble, and selfless, and AMERICAN. But, this military is neither noble, selfless, or AMERICAN. The military has been compromised by faggots and NWO. You fight for GLOBOHOMO, or you resist and fight for CHRIST.

In a few decades, VETERANS Day will mean something different. We will celebrate the MEN who stood up and fought and killed the faggots, jews, and shitskins who tried to take your Country from you.

NO MORE. Men: Be MEN. WOMEN: Shut up.
way 2 give in 2 the commies and degenerates, u fking pussy

It hurts, bud. I never expected how far this would go. I warned against it. I was maligned and ridiculed when I spoke against it. I wasn't able to stop it.

The future belongs to those who will fight against satan. The world will continue to sacrifice our children.

I don't hate my Country. I believe marriage is ONE MAN AND ONE WOMEN. I believe homosexuals are demonic and deserve to die by the State. I believe interracial marriage is unhealthy for both races. I don't believe in fighting wars for the jews anymore.

Trump will be back in 2024 to fix all of this Jim.

Just sit it out.
The USA is not and never was a Christian nation. Maybe that was a fantasy, maybe it was an illusion, but christians were merely in the majority.
The USA is not and never was a Christian nation. Maybe that was a fantasy, maybe it was an illusion, but christians were merely in the majority.

well it's definitely a heathen nation of degens now. congrats, I guess.

Our founding fathers were all degenerate assholes. What the fuck are you talking about?

Im guessing he's talking about the current crop of entitled ultraprogressives? The same thing every generation complains about. And they're always partially right. And eventually the pot must boil over. You notice the only social issues anyone talks about nowadays are to do with skin color and imaginary gender? Notice how free speech seemingly doesn't exist in most higher education?

Seems alarming to me.
aS A VeTeRaN Of 20+ yEaRs, It iS DiFfIcUlT To lOoK At tHiS CoUnTrY. iT Is dIfFiCuLt tO Be pRoUd oF SeRvIcE WhEn mEn dReSsEd aS WoMeN CaN EnTeR WoMeN'S BaThRoOmS AnD ExPeCt tO Be tReAtEd nOrMaLlY. iT Is dIfFiCuLt tO WaTcH ChIlDrEn bE InDoCtRiNaTeD ThAt sOdOmY AnD EvIl iS GoOd aNd nOrMaL. iT Is dIfFiCuLt tO SeE WoMeN AnD ChIlDrEn mAsKeD OvEr a fAkE PaNdEmIc. It iS DiFfIcUlT To pAy rAiSiNg pRiCeS FoR FuEl aNd eNeRgY AnD FoOd.

iT Is dIfFiCuLt tO To aCcEpT A NaTiOn tHaT FoRcEd sAmE SeX MaRrIaGe, UnReLeGaTeD ImMiGrAtIoN Of sHiTsKiNs, AnD FoRcInG MeNtAl dIsOrDeRs aS ThE NeW NoRmAl. It iS DiFfIcUlT To sEe a cHrIsTiAn nAtIoN FaLl iNtO ThE DeMoNiC AgEnDa oF EqUiTy aNd dUmBiNg dOwN Of eDuCaTiOn tO ThE LoWeSt dEnOmInAtOr.

iT Is dIfFiCuLt tO WaTcH A NeW FaG MiLiTaRy sUcCeEd tHe mIlItArY We bUiLt. It iS DiFfIcUlT To wAtCh tHe eRoSiOn oF OuR MiLiTaRy sTrEnGtH. oUr eNeMiEs dOn't gIvE A ShIt aBoUt yOuR StUpId, VaPiD, dElUsIoNaL FeElInGs.

iT Is dIfFiCuLt tO WaTcH OuR CoNsTiTuTiOn bE DeStRoYeD By aLl pOlItIcAl pArTiEs, OuR EcOnOmY WeApOnIzEd aGaInSt sMaLl bUsInEsS, aNd a jUsTiCe sYsTeM ThAt rEgArDs rAcE MoRe iMpOrTaNt tHeN FaCtS.

We hAvE A NaTiOn wHeRe wE No lOnGeR TrUsT ElEcTiOn rEsUlTs, We nO LoNgEr tRuSt oUr hEaLtHcArE PrOvIdErS, wE No lOnGeR TrUsT VaCcInEs, We cAn nO LoNgEr tRuSt bUsInEsSeS.

I SpEnT ThE LaSt nIgHt aT A ReSoRt. OuT Of a hUnDrEd fAmIlIeS, tHeRe wErE TwO FaMiLiEs tHaT I SaW As aTtRaCtIvE AnD BeAuTiFuL. tHe rEsT WeRe dIsGuStInG FaT, uGlY, wHiTeS, bLaCkS AnD MuLaTtOs. ThE TwO AtTrAcTiVe fAmIlIeS WeRe fReNcH CaNaDiAn. ThE Us iS ReAlLy a dIsGuStInG ExAmPlE Of tHe cElEbRaTeD "mElTiNg pOt."

We aRe tHe bAdDiEs. We aRe tHe gReAt sAtAn, As oUr eNeMiEs cAlLeD Us. DoN'T GeT Me wRoNg, ThE MuSlImS ArE TeRrIbLe. BuT, tHe uS Is tHe gReAt sAtAn nOw.

wE LiVe iN A WoRlD Of a fAlSe pReSiDeNt, A FaLsE PoPe, AnD FaLsE IdEaS Of sExUaLiTy aNd gEnDeR.

ThErE Is nOtHiNg wOrTh fIgHtInG FoR In tHe mIlItArY. iT Is a fAgGoT PaRaDe nOw.

i sPeNt 20+ yEaRs iN VaIn aS A VeTeRaN Of tHe uS MiLiTaRy. We sAvEd nOtHiNg. We hAvE DeStRoYeD OuR ChIlDrEn, ThEiR EdUcAtIoN, tHe eCoNoMy, AnD OuR So cAlLeD ImPeRiAlIsM.

We fOcUsEd oN ThE JeW CoNtRoLlEd wArS Of tHe mIdDlE EaSt, InStEaD Of pRoTeCtInG ThE InTeReStS AnD VaLuEs oF ThE PrOgEnY Of tHiS CoUnTrY.

As a vEtErAn, I CaN GeT A FrEe mEaL At aNy nUmBeR Of rEsTaUrAnTs tOdAy. AnD I DiD FoR ThE FiRsT TiMe (ThAnKs oLiVe gArDeN). GaVe tHe sAvInGs tO ThE WaItEr.

aS A VeTeRaN, wE FaIlEd. We dId nOt sAvE ThIs cOuNtRy. We kIlLeD BrOwN PeOpLe, WhIcH Is fInE. bUt, We dId nOt pRoTeCt oUr sOcIeTy, CuLtUrE, aNd rElIgIoN FrOm bRoWn pEoPlE.

WhItE PeOpLe gAvE Up. AfTeR CrEaTiNg tHe mOdErN WoRlD AnD CiViLiZaTiOn, WhItE PeOpLe gAvE Up aNd lEt tHe dIsGuStInG CrEaTuReS Of tHe wOrLd tAkE OvEr oUr sOcIeTy.

aT ThE ReSoRt, I SaW A WhItE, bLoNdE WoMeN WiTh a bLoNdE, bLuE EyEd dAuGhTeR AnD ThEy wErE WiTh a bLaCk dUdE WiTh hIs fAcE CoVeReD In tAtToOs. ThE MoThEr hAd cRaZy mIsAlIgNeD EyEs. GuEsS HoW SoOn tHe tWo oF ThEm aRe dEaD...?

wE AcCePt tHiS. wE MaDe tHiS PoSsIbLe.

tHe sAcRiFiCe oF OuR FoUnDiNg fAtHeRs, AnD AlL ThE ReAl mEn wHo aCtUaLlY FoUgHt, Is vAnIsHiNg aNd nEaRlY DeAd. Do yOu rEaLiZe wHaT We gAvE Up?

dIxIe wAs a aMeRiCaNa, BuT NoW We hAvE To hAtE OnE Of tHe gReAtEsT Us gEnErAlS RoBeRt e lEe. HoW DiD We iNvItE AnD BrAiNwAsH So mAnY IlLeGaL PeOpLe tHaT We hAvE To hAtE OuR OwN HiStOrY AnD PeOpLe?

i dOn't hAtE My cOuNtRy. I BeLiEvE MaRrIaGe iS OnE MaN AnD OnE WoMeN. i bElIeVe hOmOsExUaLs aRe dEmOnIc aNd dEsErVe tO DiE By tHe sTaTe. I BeLiEvE InTeRrAcIaL MaRrIaGe iS UnHeAlThY FoR BoTh rAcEs. I DoN'T BeLiEvE In fIgHtInG WaRs fOr tHe jEwS AnYmOrE.

I'M TiReD Of mEn bEiNg mIsAlIgNeD AnD RiDiCuLeD FoR BeInG StRoNg. I'M TiReD Of cElEbRaTiNg a cUlTuRe tHaT MaKeS WoMeN WhOrEs.

fUcK WhOrEs. FuCk fAgGoTs. FuCk sAtAn aNd aLl hIs eViL MaChInAtIoNs.

cHrIsT Is kInG.
