Vanster Suicide Watch

This thread is disturbing. Vanster, if you're seriously considering suicide, then you need to seek some professional help. At the very least, call the national suicide prevention hotline.
(800) 273-8255
Your life has value, and there are people who care about you.
Ugh vanster

Plz call a friend up and talk it through

I don't wanna see you anthony bourdain yourself

Mary isn't worth it
This thread is disturbing. Vanster, if you're seriously considering suicide, then you need to seek some professional help. At the very least, call the national suicide prevention hotline.
(800) 273-8255
Your life has value, and there are people who care about you.
What Tic said. The rest of you cunts who think you're edgy can all get fucked. Tehvul you've made enough fucked up life choices for 100 people so do yourself a favour and STFU. Plasmatic you're just a stupid hillbilly that knows no better. Amram....just sigh.

You better keep my name out of your bloody mouth midxe.

Vanster, PM me if you need to talk.
Vanster, you are one of a teeny tiny (one could argue Trump-sized handful) contingent of mebers on here I would actually call friend. (As I pointed out in the AYBABTU anniversary thread, you were the first person here ever to reply to me).

Weren't you a teacher at some point? I tried teaching once, thinking it was something I wanted to do all my life, and found out it just wasn't for me.
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Vanster, you are one of a teeny tiny (one could argue Trump-sized handful) contingent of mebers on here I would actually like as a friend.

I tried teaching once and found out it just wasn't for me. :ofn: