Valve just announced the next Half Life title

Valve needs to let go of the 'it'll never live up to the hype' mentality. Just put the fucking game out and get to work on a TF3

That excuse was always BS. The truth is there was more money in Steam than game development. That's why they shifted to the company policy of working on passion projects (work on whatever you're most motivated to work on), as they weren't strapped for cash and probably thought they would eventually stumble upon greatness again with that kind of freedom.

Years later we can see how that went with multiple mediocre games and practically failed hardware releases (excluding the HTC Vive/Valve Index VR headsets). Valve needs a leader at the helm that's focused on game development to direct them (to prevent more projects like Bioware's/EA's Anthem from existing) but unless Gabe steps down those old IPs will probably just sit there and rot.
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i wonder what valve even work on....i mean


aside from dota i dont think the other games have really had any major updates in years (i guess cs global operations or whatever)

really makes you wonder what people are working on

edit: i forgot the shitty card game no one plays, artifact
VR doesn't have me overly excited, the technology is still years and years away

still though a half life title is a huge fucking deal. HL1 is considered one of if not the most revolutionary game of all time. and HL2 is on more best pc games of all time list than any other title ever made.

i know we're TW and we're old and hate everything now, and this will probably suck, but it's big news.

i wonder how much of the HL2 creative team from 100 years ago are working on this

half life is a great game but one of the most revolutionary of all time?? i don't see it

the super long intro and 'built-in' cutscenes are all i can think of and super metroid did the same thing imo better

i think calling this new one half life alyxa not half life 3 is a strategic attempt to lower expectations so it's hard to care

ok tbf you said revolutionary not original and hl is definitely the landmark where fps games stop having mazes and start having stories, i guess it's true you can start a revolution without being unique
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So what happened to all the VR stuff?

The other year it was everywhere, seems to have died in the ass again, just like the virtuality helmets

why :(
because it sucks and no one wants to dedicate a whole room in their house and a halloween costume to playing a mediocre video game

i don't even know how you can call that stuff video games anymore it's like calling the haunted mansion ride a movie
Usually that makes the product though

VCR, DVD, the internet, all energized by the lure of porn. Maybe we have easy enough access anyway now so it isn't the driver it once was?

Or maybe the millennial purchasing demographic are all waiting for their parents to buy VR for them?
GenX drove all the video game sales tho b/c they were smashing that real life pussy on the reg

VCR etc was all boomer driven

Still a shame the VR thing hasn't really worked. I would love to do some old style adventure gaming/RPG in a room sized setup.
VR is fairly limited by the types of games that can be more 'successful' in a VR environment. Beat Sabre has done quite well. I imagine a game like Myst could really take on a new dimension in VR (Cyan released a VR version of Obduction but I didn't play it--regardless, it was made for PC and ported to VR).

The game either needs a slow pace (because of imprecise controls) or very broad sweeping motions. The problem with the latter is that Nintendo has been incorporating that experience since the Wii which was what? 2006 onward? So it's not like VR offers a unique way to play or control a game. It needs to sell on immersion so either porn or space/flight simulators which probably overlap the same demographic of purchasers.
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nintendo stopped doing motion controls like 8 years ago what are you talking about

their contollers always support it but there's like one game maybe wii fit hula hoop that uses it
i didn't realize there was anything controversial about that

can you explain the wide sweeping motions and slow pace of mario odyssey

or do you think vr is failing because breath of wild has optional tilt aiming for bow and arrow which is basically the same as vr