Valentine's day in CT


Veteran XV
What the fuck is there in CT during the day for a good valentines day outing. I've been trying to figure out what the fuck to do during the day and i'm just clueless. Night time is covered but during the day I have no idea what to do in this shitty state that does not involve freezing your balls off. Wine tasting is out of question.
What the fuck is there in CT during the day for a good valentines day outing. I've been trying to figure out what the fuck to do during the day and i'm just clueless. Night time is covered but during the day I have no idea what to do in this shitty state that does not involve freezing your balls off. Wine tasting is out of question.

Take her ice skating or some bullshit like that.

Nothing wrong with CT.
connecticut is a place to live not do shit if you want to do shit you have to leave

or go to the casino

or be a man and not spend all day celebrating a fake holiday
Why do people participate in dumb holidays that exist only for the consumer dollar, and to make you feel bad if you don't participate?
Realizes V-day is hogwash and just relax and enjoy some R&R. Fuck a few extra times, and call it even.

I am so glad my wife and I are on the same page.
we're celebrating by im going to work and she will stay home and watch the kid

im taking her out monday so i dont feel like a total asshole