V for Vendetta question [SPOILER THREAD]

Khushi said:
can someone answer why the detective guy, after talking to V (unmasked, if that was in fact him), said... "omg, that guy was full of shit!"?
it is my assumption that, while others have already lamely explained why in this thread, was because they were like "oh hey this guy on the list of "patients" was never found it must be him"
and sure enough the email was under this patient's name and they met him assuming this was the guy
but then the cops call the detective and say they found the patient in the water and id'd him from his dental records, and that he had been dead a good amount of time
so detective got all pissed because V did not turn out to be the named patient earlier assumed

that wasnt his real face btw either
nullper said:
ok well here's a riddle that perplexed me after I watched the movie.

If I am understanding the history right the government got to be abusive after a plauge was released.

However later we are told that V was one of the people "black bagged" and dragged off to be a test subject to create the plauge there by intimating that the government had already been tyranical for a good while before it was allowed to be because of fear of the plauge
explained better in the comic..

the whole fascism thing comes about after a 3rd world war
the fascists take over whats left
then they begin disappearing people
then they begin testing
then they use the plague to make the britons xenophobic
I'm surprised you liked it CMVDA, the reggins behind us had to get up and leave cause it was getting too deep for them.

Just wish they had left sooner. Loud bastards.
Gangrel said:
explained better in the comic..

the whole fascism thing comes about after a 3rd world war
the fascists take over whats left
then they begin disappearing people
then they begin testing
then they use the plague to make the britons xenophobic

Jislan said:
gangrel's a closet anarchist rebel
pretty much
yet im going to be a cop

how odd

but seriously, i fully believe in revolt if the situation warranted it
if the US turned fascist, id be the first one putting together fertilizer bombs
i think you're right about a lot of things in this thread gangrel, however I noticed that the movie had a ton to do with modern day politics, and was wondering if you had any comments about that - i.e. war with iraq, war on terrorism, etc. I think that Britain could be symbolism for the US and in fact this was a very liberal-perspective "what if?" film.
i think that was the directors putting in their own motivates to connect it with the modern day (since the comic was written 20 or 30 years ago)
Britain wasn't meant to represent the U.S.: the civil war taking place in America was symbolic of our isolated divisiveness in and of itself. Britain was Britain, albeit in a future dominated by fear of Islam and homosexuals.
Jislan said:
I forgot to google my internal memory banks for the movie's dialogue. But yeah, it was pretty obvious he wanted her to make the choice as she represented the last and deciding domino in his scheme. It was her choice to either stop it or finish it. I was talking from a practical sense though, as it was pretty obvious he knew she'd do it.

oh shit
i didnt think about that domino piece

nice...like i said before

beginning and ending - GREAT
middle - SUCKS
therefore, an OK movie
The middle sucked while watching it because it seemed not to flow with the movie and it was highly confusing and disorienting. Now that I've had time to think on it, those scenes seem very well done and help to reinforce many of the themes of the movie.
this is basically exactly like the communist revolution in china

if you have the support of the people that is where the power lies, and you will overthrow anyone else simply with support of the people
Gangrel said:
pretty much
yet im going to be a cop

how odd

but seriously, i fully believe in revolt if the situation warranted it
if the US turned fascist, id be the first one putting together fertilizer bombs
reported to the fingermen. busting through the door in 3....2....
the one thing i did like about it is that every single movie out there, they have a superhero w/ a mask and he's always falling for some chick and taking it off (Spiderman, spawn, batman, Star wars etc). Most of these, if we never see thier face the entire movie, we know that when they fall for the girl, it comes off. This one, he had a few oporitunities and never did so. Even at the end, Evey had the chance to do it, but respected him enough and left it on when she sent the train. You just never see that happen. The audience always gets what they want, the face behind the mask. Hell. you never get to see him pre burn either, we're just left to assume it's one of the prisoners that they bring in.

edit: meant to say the one thing i liked most about it. It was a damn good movie either way :D

Oh, and I never realized you could string so man V words together and it would remain intelligible :).