Utopia - best show I've seen in a while

yeah but i dont play very often anymore, mostly just waiting for auroria to open up which is pretty soon
The clip annoyed me greatly. Pussy fucking bitchass Brit fag9ts just bent over and let themselves be killed.
David finchers making a remake for HBO

I'm excited.I can't blame them for canceling it, the second season is nowhere as good as the first.
Looks good, reminds me a bit of Fargo (another real good show). There are so many apparently great tv series I want to see but I just don't have time for.
finished series 2 and u were right ian

cant wait for remake tho, pry end up rinsing out 15 episodes w/ bondage sex and torture porn as blonde randian heroes are persecuted by evil brownhaired scumbags in their quest to destroy freedom

also finally got round to watching the shadow line and it had me absolutely rollin