US Navy: Penis in sky drawn by jet trail was 'unacceptable'



So the Arby's logo was just a condom this whole time
In 2017, you've got some 24 year old kid driving an F/A 18, the temptation to turn on smoke and draw something sophomoric would be awful. I'm 52, and in the same position, I'd have done it. This shit reminds me of when Janet Jackson showed her nipple with that weird metal thing on it and women all across the country wanted to sue because their children were probably scarred for life.

Goddamn, he was probably out for a certain amount of time, would have used the same fuel and resources anyway-- he decided to turn smoke on and draw a cock. I hope the USA is strong enough to recover from this. I hope we can pull through.

oh and

welcome 2 my sig
Actually, it was the pilot's art teacher in third grade who called it unacceptable.
multi-million dollar jet, burning 10's of 1000's of dollars of fuel and the first thing in this jock's mind is a huge dick

That tells you everything you need to know about the Navy
What the news isn't reporting is an Air Force pilot drew a chocolate star right above the dick. Nobody recognized it.