Upgraded..computer now sLower? heLp ;[


Veteran XV
Hi, i recentLy upgraded my:

amd 1ghz
geforce 2 mx 32meg

to an
amd 1ghz
geforce 4 64DDRam

And now my computer has sLowdowns and Lags and can bareLy pLay mp3s without draggin them whenever i Load up expLorer/irc and sometimes just starts dragging them for no reason

any heLp/expLanation wouLd be greatLy appreciated!

running 40.72 drivers for geforce 4

oya soundcard is SB Live! VaLue card :eek:
what motherboard?

so all you did was change the video card, nothing more? simple swap?
that is strange... wish i could take a look at your bios settings, i'm not too familiar with the sis chipsets at all. :(
Reinstall drivers, download them again and everything, go for the latest detonators. You may have to set your video card to "STandard PCI VGA card" to get the old stuff gone.