Unity 2020


Veteran XV
Unity2020 - A Plan to Save Our Republic

For anyone who doesn't know who Bret Weinstein is; He's the professor from Evergreen State Collage who called out hyper-left rage babies as a group of racists when that group (visible minorities) told white faculty and students that they were not allowed to enter the campus for a day. He was a rational voice in a crowd of SJWs who had the support of the college president/administration. He testified before congress and forcasted what took place in the college would spread to every facet of western civilization.

Here's a picture of one of the student organizers who literally kidnapped the college faculty:

Bret has had 3-4 appearances on Joe Rogan during that time and since. He also has his own podcast on youtube with his wife (who was also a professor at Evergreen). They currently live in Portland and often use their podcast to highlight how much of a shitshow these protests are.

Unity 2020 is Bret's plan to run a left and right (of center) candidate who could break the model of far left vs far right. He hosts 'campfire' discussions on his podcast to explore not only how this system would work but to also poll his audience in real-time for feedback and participation. It was fairly interesting to watch.

I think it's an experiment worth testing. The biggest hurdle Unity 2020 has is breaking beyond the MSM. Many of his viewers are on board, but these are the demographic of people who spend their time listing to podcasts in search of discussions not covered by MSM. I don't know how he can effectively reach people outside of that demographic. Bret also stated that he doesn't want Unity 2020 to run merely as a spoiler for another candidate. If it looks like they don't have the popularity, they'll simply withdraw from the election.

I honestly don't think there's enough time for this to effectively work but maybe for 2024 they can get enough recognition that a larger electorate will be informed enough to understand what this option is and weigh it as serious as the two main parties.
Smart guy,
albeit his brother is smarter. Bret sees world true evolutionary biology lenses, and while valid in most cases it's not as fundamental understanding of our universe as his brother has.

Much more interested in geometric unity than this unity 2020 :X
I’m not interested in any candidate that identifies as left or right. As far as I’m concerned the Democrat and Republican Candidates are all criminals and Traitors
I do not see President Donald Trump as Republican or Democrat; and neither do most of congress/senate in either party.

I'll read/watch OP content though.
I honestly don't think there's enough time for this to effectively work but maybe for 2024 they can get enough recognition that a larger electorate will be informed enough to understand what this option is and weigh it as serious as the two main parties.

If 2020 is as big of a shitshow as I think it will be, maybe a critical percentage of normies will be fed-up enough to take an interest in this program. But you're never going to reach the low-info dumbfucks who make up the vast majority of the electorate.
More of an Unreal guy, myself.

no wayyyy

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there's a reason unity market share is massive now

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