[Ukraine] You thought it was over?

well, this is Ezekiel 38 and no amount of predictions convince people

nuclear bombs in 2016 and economic problems this year, inline with Jewish calendar per Exodus.

Same thing different camera.

It was a chemical products factory being blown up near Donetsk and they speculate it was a Tochka-U missile.

9.2.15. 1:02. Posted by edition "verb". "It is known the exact location of the explosion that shook the Donetsk about an hour ago. It took place on DKZHI (Donetsk state factory of chemical products). This was announced by the co-chairman of the Popular Front of New Russia Konstantin Dolgov. confirm this information and the head of the Kiev and Kuibyshev region of Donetsk Ivan Prikhodko. "The explosion at DKZHI. From morning to complete information. Lie down to rest. Good night!" - he wrote. Earlier, it was reported that blow in this area was done "Tochka-U". But this - a pre-release version. " Posted by militia "terrorists're coming out of the MLRS firing on the side of the Kiev district / Putilovka. APU continue shelling out MLRS" Grad "in the direction of the airport, t.ts.Metro, Kyiv region. According to journalist "KP" Dmitry Steshin, missile strike felt the entire Donetsk. "

The OTR-21 is a mobile missile launch system, designed to be deployed along with other land combat units on the battlefield. While the FROG-7 is large and relatively inaccurate, the OTR-21 is much smaller. The missile itself can be used for precise strikes on enemy tactical targets, such as control posts, bridges, storage facilities, troop concentrations and airfields. The fragmentation warhead can be replaced with a nuclear, biological or chemical warhead. The solid propellant makes the missile easy to maintain and deploy.
OTR-21 Tochka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is this from the other day too although the title is incorrect as the militias actually claim that it crashed due to mechanical failure, they did not shoot it down.

First time these have been used in this conflict as far as I am aware. Calling on the big guns now.

There was this from Aug 26th last year near Lugansk...

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The speech caption translates to, "Tomorrow we persistently request you remain a part of the Ukranian Federation." Someone who is more fluent in German might like to correct me. The caption below the picture is written in Dutch or Afrikaneer and I don't really understand it, save it appears to be likening ISIS to Kiev in some way.

The context of that cartoon is related to this article...

Луценко назвал компромиссы, которые Киев допускает по Донбассу

...which speaks of the Minsk Peace Plan and that the conditions that Kiev demands is full control over the Donbass area and THEN some local stuff can be worked out. Yeah right. Kiev refuses to even make mention of the "fascism and nazism" that the L/DPR claim to be fighting against. From the Kiev perspective that is all just Russian propaganda and does not really exist. According to Kiev it is a Russian invasion which took advantage of some minor grievances.

When I keep seeing Obama and friends uncritically supporting Kiev I just have to wonder if all these people have actually lost their minds?

Cartoon source and commentary...
Poroshenko head of the faction in the Verkhovna Rada Lutsenko commented on possible concessions Ukraine to resolve the situation in the east of the country within the framework of the Minsk Agreement. State border with Russia must control exclusively and solely Ukrainian security forces. At the same time, the authorities can go on a number of compromises in order to resolve the situation in the Donbass . This was stated by the chairman of the Bloc Yuriy Lutsenko Poroshenko in the program Details of the week on the channel Inter. "We will never go to this were not the Ukrainians. Not any peacekeeping forces or joint patrols with the Russian Federation, nor any other options can not bring peace if the government control will be carried out not Ukrainian Armed Forces and the State Border Service " - he said, commenting that is unacceptable for Ukraine within the framework of a peace settlement. At the same time he pointed out that the authorities can make a compromise, providing for Donbass "kakoe- that big government, some enlarged right to humanitarian, economic issues, and so on. " At the same time in this area should act Ukrainian laws. In addition, according to Lutsenko, a compromise can be found in the question, "whose patrols will be on the streets " . "The compromise may be that there will control not only the Ukrainians may be some local residents. But it should be the National Guard and the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs", - he said. Also on the territories controlled by the rebels must pass under the control of the local elections in Ukraine and the OSCE. "Ukraine in this situation, of course, weaker Russia, but we are strong international support. And the economic, diplomatic and military pressure can give the result as early as next week" - said zinc PS. As we can see, it's all the same requirements fulfill the Minsk Agreement, all of which are stated in the most categorical form. All trade-offs, which says Lutsenko, just do not go beyond the Minsk Agreement. De facto, it looks like "Give us Donbass and we will think about some minor concessions." Of course, with such requirements will be difficult to negotiate. PS2. Translation cartoons: We wait until tomorrow your persistent requests residues as part of the Ukrainian state. "
Colonel Cassad
lol no mention of fascism, like you buy into it so much you just expect these guys to welcome their Russian assigned political position as if its their role in a vast communist society.
lol no mention of fascism, like you buy into it so much you just expect these guys to welcome their Russian assigned political position as if its their role in a vast communist society.

Communism is not the issue here. That can be debated elsewhere.

The issue in this conflict is not that the people of Donbass are fighting for communism, rather the issue is that they are fighting for their Russian identity in the face of a radical nationalism which overtook Ukraine in Euromaiden.

If there was no radical nationalism then there would be no Right Sector people marching in the streets. There would be no Azov Battalion using neo-nazi symbolism with an avowed neo-nazi as its leader. Those things are real, to pretend it is Russian propaganda is absurd.

Even Wikipedia speaks of it...

Azov Battalion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Azov Battalion (Ukrainian: Батальйон «Азов») is an all-volunteer far-right paramilitary detachment of the Ukraine government,[3][4] which reports to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is a member of the National Guard of Ukraine.[1][5] The battalion is based in Mariupol in the Azov Sea coastal region.[6] The BBC's Fergal Keane has called the unit "a far-right Ukrainian militia".[7] It is one of several volunteer battalions funded in part by Ukraine oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi.[8]

The battalion's commander is Andriy Biletsky (Ukrainian: Андрій Білецький), who was awarded by Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko with a military decoration, "Order For Courage", and promoted to lieutenant colonel of police.[9] In the beginning, Azov was the Ministry of Internal Affairs special police company, led by Volodymyr Shpara (Ukrainian: Володимир Шпара), the leader of the Vasylkiv's Patriot of Ukraine and Right Sector organizations in the Kiev region.[10][11][12] Biletsky stayed out of the public spotlight working on expanding Azov to battalion size. In summer 2014 he took the command of the unit in his own hands; Shpara remained in the battalion as the commander of the 1st Company.

Biletsky is also head of two neo-Nazi political groups, Patriot of Ukraine and Social-National Assembly.[13]

The battalion is also referred to as the "Men in Black", and is one of dozens of paramilitary forces that operate in Ukraine.[3] The Azov Battalion was formed and armed by Ukraine’s interior ministry. A ministerial adviser, Anton Gerashchenko, [was asked] if the battalion had any neo-Nazi links through the Social National Assembly. ‘The Social National Assembly is not a neo-Nazi organisation,’ he said. ‘It is a party of Ukrainian patriots…’.[1][14][15] More than half are Russian-speaking eastern Ukrainians.[16] Its polished English-language social media pages and far-right ideology have attracted fighters from other locations in Europe.[17]

I am personally very much opposed to communism, but I don't let that view cloud my mind to an extent where I ignore the very anti-Russian nationalism which is plainly self evident in Ukraine.

Andriy Biletsky wrote this...

If the Ukrainian spirituality, culture and language are unique, it is only because of our unique racial nature. If Ukraine - a paradise on earth, it is only because our race had turned her into it. Accordingly, treatment of our national organism is necessary to start with the racial purification of the Nation. And then in a healthy body racial revive a healthy national spirit, and with it the culture, language and everything else.

Apart from the question of purity, we must pay attention to the issue of the usefulness of Race. Ukrainians - it's part (and one of the largest and highest quality) European White Race. Races Creator of a great civilization, the greatest human achievements. The historic mission of our nation at this critical time - to lead and lead the White peoples of the world in the last crusade for their existence. Crusade against Semite-led subhumanity.

You really expect the people in the east of Ukraine just to submit to folks that believe that?

People who would turn on the tv after the Maiden events and see this...

Or turn perhaps see stuff like this on RT if they get it...

It was their grandparents who fought against the Nazi's in WWII or what they call the "Great Patriotic War" and thus they view the above stuff as a re-emergence of Nazism and fascism. No wonder they'll embrace communist idealogy and this Russian Empire thinking when faced with that.

If the U.S. was honest and promoted the Bill of Rights and therefore real notions of freedom around the world and also spoke out against all tyranny then none of this would be happening.
You act as if nationalism isnt a direct response to a Russian puppet government which was in the process of being overthrown, and a russian backed insurgency, but is instead a concern which begat Russian interference in another nations affairs.

Nationalism is scary if it means Russia no longer has its puppet in charge of said nation.
You act as if nationalism isnt a direct response to a Russian puppet government which was in the process of being overthrown, and a russian backed insurgency, but is instead a concern which begat Russian interference in another nations affairs.

Nationalism is scary if it means Russia no longer has its puppet in charge of said nation.

Your mindset is within the confines of a dialectic game.

Communism is bad and so is Nazism. Both are forms of totalitarianism. You don't put one against the other and think that the outcome is victory.

Today we have western bureaucrats whose goal is a world order dominated by a corporate financial system they are melded to. These people view Russia as a threat because Russia has a strong nationalism and culture which the adherents of do not wish to be swallowed up by the anglo-american system. Thus the Russian threat must be contained by the western oligarchs as people like Zbigniew Brzezinski have made very plain.

That is why there was a push to oust the pro-Russian government of Ukraine through demonstrations carefully manufactured through the fanning of the flames of discontent. Through all that chaos the U.S. was able to install a subservient puppet government which would suck it up to the west. It just so happened that radical nationalism was lying dormant in Ukraine ready to take hold in the vacuum and it did.

The western interests clearly underestimated the reaction to this development in the east of the country and Russia realising that the whole game is one of containment of course supported the eastern Ukrainian sentiment.

The west has turned a blind eye to the thugs in Kiev for the same reason they it has always turned a blind eye to thugs which serve its purposes. The U.S. for example has backed many nasty dictators if they toed the line.

Freedom has nothing to do with it. If freedom has something to do with it then the U.S. would espouse limited government and promote the Bill of Rights as a sound model. They never do that because a Bill of Rights limits government power and their world order requires basically unlimited government power exercised through the illusion of parliamentary democracy.

The Russian response is natural, in the absence of any notion of limited government, individual liberties, and unalienable rights, they turn to all they have really ever known and that is "Empire" and "Solidarity" as "One People" where we have communist rhetoric spilling through the cracks (a kind of relaxed communism because there is still the perception of a certain ugliness with Stalinism, nonetheless it is still collectivist idealogy which empowers a central state for the purported benefit of the people).

The west keeps pretending that everything that is going on is "Russian agression" as if Kiev is all innocent. It is ridiculous and if it continues the sheer naivety and ignorance of the west will easily escalate this thing into a much greater conflict.

It is the same old game except this time it is looking very dangerous.
You're stuck on the communism fascism story which has been hyped up by Russia, they are pandering to the narrative, if there is some confusion it isnt on this end. This is a land grab following a loss of political domination. Russia lost a large part of Ukraine before they began trying to take it back, the void of influence they left is being painted as the rise of fascism, while the govt sponsored insurgency follows the propaganda to justify its existance in a foreign land.
rofl. If you don't bow to American bullying, you're buying into "Russian propaganda." It's amazing you people can wipe yourselves, that's how stupid you are. America truly is the great satan.