Tyrion cast in the Game of Thrones miniseries

yeah i think they could get away with spending less money than Rome and still be just as badass
dude thats gunna be one fucked up show. Reading the books and i was like WTF every other page. thats one sick fucking series.

yet i cant stop reading it ;)
i'm hoping after the next book they will jump like 5-10 years into the future

then arya and bran can do some cool stuff without being too young
I only liked the first book. I read the first three, no desire to read the fourth.

First book is pretty sick though....so yeah, they'll definitely fuck it up.
Patrick Stewart as Tywin Lannister.

i dont think he could convince me is he cold and ruthlessly calculating enough -- not because he lacks acting ability or anything like that but because i will always think star trek when i see him

there will be lots of tough characters to cast for this : o
i dont think he could convince me is he cold and ruthlessly calculating enough -- not because he lacks acting ability or anything like that but because i will always think star trek when i see him

there will be lots of tough characters to cast for this : o

for some reason i see him in the series being some character or another maybe even Maester Aemon Targaryen because Patrick Stewart tends to play people with knowledge and wisdom he would fit that part well.
Though I've heard of GRRM I never realized he had produced this. Too bad I'm currently wrapped up in reading through Pat O'Brian's Aubrey series or I'd pick this up. From reading synopses so far, this series won't survive TV without massive CGI investment by HBO, and after they fucked Rome over for that very budget I don't have high hopes for this.
Awesome. I have been plodding through the third book for the past few weeks. While not a huge fantasy buff, I like Martin's no-frills style(He's good but not great), and I like that it deviates substantially from typical fantasy fare.
the fourth book is even better...best one so far as far as i'm concerned.

i don't typically read much fantasy stuff either, generally because authors use magic as a plot band-aid. as long as the magic has clearly defined limits, i'm happy.

the sword of truth series is one of those fantasy stories where magic has no rules and it becomes obvious the author is just pulling the story out of nowhere.
up yours arya will murder YOUR SHIT

fuck yeah

I'll acknowledge my mistake, then go back and edit my replies. I got the two girls mixed up :ugh:

Arya > Shit sandwich > Sansa

Excuse my mistake. May Arya Underfoot beat me with her broom handle if I make the same mistake again :(
They filmed what seems like at least 2 episodes in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Morocco in November.

It seems to cover some chapters in the first book, such as the Black Watch brothers in Ch 1, The feast in Ch 2 and 3, and perhaps Bran being thrown off the widow ledge by Jamie in I think Ch. 4.

I always pictured Tyrion with dark hair, then I re-read Game of Thrones in places and saw he had blonde hair. Kind of didn't fit my view of him then.
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So has this been officially greenlit for a full season then? Last I heard early in this year they were just doing the pilot.